
Political business card?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm trying to design a professional looking political business card for me to distribute around. I think I've gotten the design down, the problem is I need to know what goes on a business card. For example: I obviously know my name and last name has to be mentioned including my e-mail address and number. And political science major. But what else? Should I include my credentials? Like I'm currently the student government president of my college but my term is almost over and I do not plan on reruning. Or is that more for the resume type thing? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!!!




  1. tim, the first most important thing to remember is the size of the card, it should not be bigger than 3 1/2 by 2 inches. This is considered to be the standard size for any business card. There shouldn't be more than required information on the card, too much details on the card doesn't impress the onlookers much. The info provided on the card should be  clear and short, with clear logo and tag line, also the style of a business card shouldn't be too amateur. A decent styled business card design reflects company’s sincerity and dedication for its clients. The best business card design also displays the basic information like other regular cards but some added features make it more unique and extravagant.

    Log into: and learn more on business cards & their features.

  2. Place your political party and intended position that you aspire to have.

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