
Political correctness, barmy judiciary, useless police, corrupt politicians, incompetence all around?

by  |  earlier

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Who do you blame? surely it has to be the silent majority who sit on their hands and do nothing about it.




  1. I agree with Michael.  But since we elected some of these tossers, surely we must take some of the blame? They should be forcefully reminded just who they are answerable to. Don't you also think it's rather shameless of MP's to castigate benefit fraud when loads of them are doing much the same thing re expenses, second homes, etc.

  2. The answer might be a war.  It might put things in a perspective and who knows some people may take their hands out of the cookie jar.

  3. Congratulations my friend, that is Britain in a nutshell, I used to refer to our country as Great Britain, it isn't great anymore for the reasons you stated. Corruption is rife through politics and the police are both incompetent and corrupt. All of this slid to h**l when this government came into power. Blair jumped ship when he could see that corruption was about to be exposed and left his buddy "g*y" Gordon to carry the can !

  4. This is another case of the 'tail wagging the dog', the police are not drawn from the most intellectual of society, the Judiciary are completely out of touch with reality and the strength of public feeling and politicians are in it for themselves!

    The public at large simply take the view of 'I'm all right Jack!'

    Who is to blame? .................. the whole shooting match, us included!

  5. I don't agree with you on any of your aspersions

  6. Well I would say... start at the top and work down... they have blinkers on the whole lot of them, because the pc brigade tampered with the law.  They are all useless and should pay for all the incompetence that has been caused by their stupid rules.... of ... you cannot do this or you cannot do that... Laws have disappeared into the blue, and unless they start putting their foot down we will end up with anarchy... if we havent already .. We are becoming lawless in most things... and because we have not got enough Prisons they turn everybody loose, to further their cause with havoc, and destruction. These do gooders have a lot to answer for, and I hope they get their just deserts.

  7. I blame Tony Bliar, Gordy Broon and the other Nu Layber morons for dragging this country to its knees.

  8. Liberals are responsible for all of it everywhere everytime always.

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