
Political irresponsibility....

by  |  earlier

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WARNING: If you are one of those people who can not read through something having to do with race written by a white guy without shutting down your brain and calling me a racist. PLEASE READ NO FURTHER.

I was watching the new today at around 2:00 p.m. and I saw some s*** that made my brain hurt it was so stupid. So lets see if you agree.

It was a stretch of the news talking about why people are voting for Obama, A few answers came up and then this. One of the big reasons that young white voters were voting for Obama was because and I quote "They think it will make up for some of this country's historical injustices against African Americans" .


I have nothing at all against black people, I actually have a lot of black friends,But how hypocritical is it to elect some one for simply being black.

Thats JUST AS BAD as electing some one just because they are white....

Voting for anyone based on their skin color is both politically and morally irresponsible.





  1. Wow.. Which news channel broad-casted this?

    I believe most people vote on merits of character/true genuine caring/respect for common citizens.. At least, I hope so.. =/

    I'm unimpressed with both candidates. However, I choose to watch news that is fairly non-bias/expresses several viewpoints, accurately. Therefore, I choose not to believe media-hype/propaganda. TV can really shape how people think/view society. Much of whatever's seen in mainstream news is fudged-up junk to me.

  2. Right.  You only vote for abilities. Also forget about the empty promises.  Changing the medical insurance bill, is 5 words, doing it nearly impossible.


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