
Political stuff and stuff..

by  |  earlier

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how come everyone answers political questions on here when they have no frickin' clue?




  1. Well Hi, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  2. the parrot that ate the watch!!

    of course

    as i know wat polly ticks is

  3. ...because that IS politics lol

  4. How can you make these claims off so little information, Mr.Superficial?

  5. How do you determine who doesn't have a clue?  Do you decide that because they disagree with you?  I agree that there are a lot of people on here who are just parroting what their parents or the party line tells them, but you will almost always get at least one answer that is thorough, considered, and backed up by research.  They may not agree with you, but that doesn't mean they don't have a clue.  If you refuse to consider their evidence, then you are the one who doesn't have one.

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