
Political teams. Does anyone actually listen or think?

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When talking politics or even religion (wich is more sensitive, so I won't mention religion again) do people really think about helping others, themselves or just choose a team and go with it. How many people (percentages) do you think keep an open mind when it comes to politics and even change their points of view? Do most people just choose what their parents' choose? Oh well, what do you think? I think people don't think about it very much nor do they listen to what others are saying.




  1. Websites like these are sometimes overpowered by extremists so-to-say ... there are no consequences for talking out of your behind, so people can be as radical as they like ... which can sometimes degrade the questions and conversations if people let it

    there are lots of moderates that read these sites, those of us that can understand the merits of both sides of an argument, and in weighing all of the facts have not completely made up their minds ... many of us are here simply to try to understand why the other side feels the way they do, to add depth to our own understanding ... I don't often label myself, because I'm constantly learning news things ... more often than not other people label me, I assume that makes it easier for them to dismiss my opinions if they feel i have some agenda

    you make an interesting point about listening ... I do feel many are here just to push others buttons and create drama ... but sifting through the BS is worth it for me, I've met some very interesting people with very different opinions ... and having a little humility and listening is they only way I learn new things

    being open minded means changing the way I think about things ... not trying to change the way you think

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