
Politically Correctness gone mad?

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Has the world become too Politically correct? Here is Australia a Child isn't allowed to sit on Santa's knee at Shopping centers anymore. They have to sit beside him. Even if the Parents are OK with a Child sitting on his knee they aren't allowed to. We all know that Paedophile's run rampant in shopping center's don't we?

School's aren't allowed to celebrate Christmas anymore for the fact of offending other "Ethnic" cultures. Excuse me if I'm wrong but they immigrated to a Country that's culture celebrate's Christmas. They should have read up on the Culture before deciding to flee their home country to another "safer" country like Australia.

If it's such a big deal, why don't they enroll their Child in a School that shares the same Cultural belief as their own? They shouldn't be allowed to dictate what can and can't be done in Christian Schools. The Christian Schools are obliged to take on Muslim, Jew or whatever religion they are, but a Christian isn't allowed to enroll in a Muslim, Islam or Jewish School....

But that's a whole other Kettle of Fish.




  1. I believe it has to an extent. Unless you are liberal.

    Example A: A while back Barak Obama was called "clean" and "articulate." This was blown out of perportion by the liberal media. Unfortunately, in a more recent interview, Obama refers to his grandmother as a "typical white person." What if a conservative said something to that effect? "A typical Black person?" I think NOT!

    Example B: Intelligent Design is scoffed at in public schools because of its lack of proof and the catagorization as a religion. Yet pure chance is an accepted belief in these government schools. Pure chance has no evidence nor any witnesses. It seems to me that is is purely based on faith and must be considered a religion. So while we are being politically correct about Christianity or Judaism. We are not being politically correct by teaching the science of Secular Humanism to our children.

    Hope this fits what you are trying to get at....

  2. Yep, its gone too far.

    When Australia became 'mulitcultural' it was supposed to be that it is welcoming to people from all cultures. Insted, it got interpreted as 'hey, come here to Australia and invite all of your family and take over the suburbs!'

  3. You are 100% right. Australia isn't Multicultural its Multiracist. As soon as someone realises this is Australia not the UN and removes multilingual forms from all walks of life except immigration arrival and departure I will be happy.

    You must speak and understand basic  English otherwise you cannot become an Australian.

    Have you noticed an ethnic can call you what they like but if you do or make a decision against them you are the racist not them? How come there are grants to Multicultural groups to retain their nationality identity but not to Australians?

    The trouble is people like Malcolm Frazer, Joe Glasby and Bob Hawke allowed in undesirables and stuffed Australian culture forever.

    I agree if they don't want to blend in, send them back to the Country they came from.

  4. The world has gone completely insane. I have a sister who's in elementary school (the same one I went to, actually) and everything is different. They have season parties instead of Halloween, Christmas, and Easter parties because they're afraid someone might get offended. It's insane!

    I'm all for celebrating multicultralism, but that shouldn't mean we have to detract from our existing culture!

    I say we should all just leave each other alone and let everyone celebrate their own customs and holidays!

    Thanks for letting me rant :)

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