
Politically speaking, does Alex Jones want love, peace, and justice?

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  1. Alex Jones wants media attention, period.

    Infowars is just pathetic, as is he.

  2. Pitchman for deoderant

    If you want to get hysterical with him, be my guest.

  3. Wow that was crazy. Ive never heard Alex Jones get that crazy. Haha. He just wants answers, and has caught the right-wing media in so many lies and overexagerations. However, the whole 911 truther thing is silly.

  4. Alex poses  a real danger and threat to the zionist agenda. Provocatured attacks on him by the zionist owned and controlled mainstream media are inevitable. He knows it and so do his millions of listeners. Each attack becomes more and more transparent and we all see it for what it is.

  5. hes nuts

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