
Politically speaking: Does it seem like cons make it personal?

by  |  earlier

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I have noticed a couple of times when I ask questions, I am attacked directly. I do not block users or report abuse, allow I have been the victim of both.

Instead cons directly insult my intelligence for simply posting a view.

I attack politicians and the party, they attack me directly, do they not understand the difference?

I await my abuse.;_ylt=AokN3kqw1J4BCkqqDYFtMNHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080826220940AAWBOFF




  1. Perhaps it was just a dumb question.

  2. That is because you are abrasive, slanderous and from what I have read of your questions and answers, basically dishonest. Many people take blatant lies personally, but the problem is not the cons, it is your willingness to lie.  

  3. cons have no choice but to make it personal since they can't defend their stance on issues and debate like adults.

  4. I think it cuts both way, neither party's supporters holds a monopoly on immaturity.

  5. it IS personal when you want to elect a freak-nasty and his crazy wife  who want to tax me to pay for more social programs that don't mean anything in the long run except making more welfare babies possible...except in the case of Midnight Basketball...that one  just allows the drug dealers a place to hang out later at night

  6. As a conservative (not neocon) I find the comparison of GW's actions and BF's statements interesting.  My response would be even BF may have agreed that desperate times call for desperate measures.

    Regarding this question... without more examples of your line of questioning which you have chosen to block I cannot answer your question intelligently informed.  I do find YA an amusing although addictive distraction to the daily grind.  I do not take offense at those who disagree with me therefore do not give thumbs down.  I have on two occasions reported abuse but they were very offensive personal attacks, one to GWB one to BO.  

  7. This is so typical of liberals to shirk the blame onto a non-personal ideology.

    Politics is nothing more than a collection of people, take responsibility.

  8. Why so sensitive?  The FOURTH respondent called you stupid for calling George Bush stupid.  Then he added that he appreciated your humor.  This is pretty mild considering much of the stuff that goes on here.

  9. I see a lot of juvenile name calling on both sides of the fence.  I may get a little wild sometimes but I try to never call somebody I don't know personally a moron.

  10. Yes, they do make it personal.  There is something about right wing politics from mild conservatism to fascism and Nazism that always seems to involve a lot of hate.

    And BTW folks fascism and Nazism are considered right wing philosophies, so I am correct in mentioning this in this regard.

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