
Politics Carter's commets? Did you hear Carter comments about Obama?

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I almost peed my paints. He just can't hide his real feelings and up bringing. I don't think he meant any disrespect in that people his age were raised that way. But it is most interesting that you will never hear it on the MSNBC, CNN etc. See if Mitt could get away with that. Bias I think so!




  1. you have to forgive him, he is insane.

  2. Frankly I do not care what Carter had to say about Obama, Carter was about the worst Pres. in american history.

  3. Carter said Obama is ready to lead.  You'll never see that on FOX.

  4. WTF are you talking about? I've been watching PBS coverage ONLY. I saw his comments. I didn't see anything off?  

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