
Politics and sociology careers/jobs?

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what are some careers/jobs in politics and sociology?




  1. Edited reply as previous was not what you had wanted to read, even though accurate. There are so many possibilities...sociology, once studied and understood, may mean you are not so quick to thumb's down a genuine reply...

  2. Politics has endless career fields - how far and massive scale of a job are you looking for?

    To start at the ground level you can be president of local associations, like at a local college or other area that might have some prestige and swagger but isn't subject to as much dedication. Upwards from there is local government - it depends where you live, but if you live in a small town you can try for secretary, mayor or treasurer; there are educational standards for each and you have to see what they are for your location.

    Moving up from there, you can try to be a state representative, state congressman, or even treasury of state or other more reputable state-level positions. Then there's the governor of the state himself. Moving up from there, there's federal positions - anything from speaker of the house, to any member of the President's cabinet (from secretary of the department of interior to the secretary of state). Then you have the President, Vice President, etc.

    There's also tons of political jobs that might not be directly in local, state or federal government but are connected to politics as a whole. There are politically-minded positions in lobbyist camps (like a lobbyist for the Dairy industry, or a lobbyist for the tobacco industry) that have constant political presence and prowess in Washington DC and elsewhere. As a lobbyist or even PR representative for a major company, you'd be in constant interaction with politicians because it would be in your best interest to keep your industry in favorable standards with the government.

    Then there's everything from pages in Congress (who just run paperwork), to desk jobs everywhere from the Pentagon to people working on people's candidacy campaigns. That's another job in politics - you could help be someone's campaign manager, director, art director, speech writer, local office teamster, etc.

    Politics is exasperatingly broad, so it's best to figure out how far you want to go first.

    Sociologists generally bear the responsibility of highlighting and continuing the education of the public of social issues. Sociology is a pretty depressing class to take - it was my original major but the things you learn just crush you sometimes if you're sensitive enough. The statistics of world hunger, hate and war, the spoiled and privileged parts of society versus the absolute poor. Sociologists typically work alongside universities and are professors, even doctors of sociology and focus on education and further research to expand the field they are passionate about.

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