
Poll: Are you Having Fun On This Labor Day?

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  1. I'm sick.

    I went to Kroger's this morning and bought myself some Day Quil and Claritin. Now I'm watching the Home Shopping Network.

    Try to contain your excitement.

  2. Meh, not really.

  3. not today but yesterday was the SHITT!!!!!

  4. Not yet. I mowed the lawn. Later on we'll be having a cookout though

  5. No because i am not feeling good at all and my aunt expects me to go to school tommorow. If i felt good it would be a different story

  6. haha thats funny for a second there i thought you said Are you Having Fun On This Labrador? lol!

  7. kinda pondering if i should reply to this guys messages or wait for him to talk to me IN person..

    but in general...its a boring day...

  8. no.

    i gotta start working on my project

  9. No I am not.

  10. So far so good, it is still early at the moment, I will be grilling a steak and drinking some beer relaxing very soon !!!!!

  11. Sure, I just got out of work, so now I'm going to clean my house and go to bed. Woo-hoo!

  12. no, it's just another every other day..  

  13. Nope, I have to do lovely work at a freaking grocery store. =P

  14. Have not been up that long, but it will be fun if I make it to the beach today with it being the last day of the season!

  15. Not yet, but at 3 I get to see my boyfriend =))

  16. Nope....i'm stressing about school!(tommorow) And there is nothing to do here!

  17. no i just got 4 big zits on my nose

    tomorrow is the 1st day!!!!

    any tips

  18. haha...labrador :)

    no my day is really boring.  

  19. I just woke up.

  20. I am having the time of my far I did the laundry, cooked for my husband who will soon be coming home from working with my son-in-law laying down tiles.

    I really want to go for a walk along the ocean.  But, I really need to go to Wal-Mart.

    We really had a good time yesterday at a picnic over my cousin's house together with my daughters and husbands and grandchildren.

    I am very thankful for that.   God Bless...............thanks for asking.

    I wish you and yours a happy, healthy and safe Labor Day.

  21. im not having any fun

    i am so sick i feel like i am about to die!

    i dont think i will be going to skool 2morrow.

    so honestly its the worst day of mi life

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