
Poll: Are you a vegetarian?

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  1. No

  2. I am proudly a vegetarian and I do not even like the taste of meat anymore... I just think of eating a poor innocent animal... and I feel more energetic being veg anyways.

  3. Yes, and 7.3 million other Americans are also vegetarians!

    Here is an interesting demographic study on vegetarianism in America:

  4. Sorry no.

  5. no i love meat LOL

  6. Vegan:)

  7. i'm a vegetarian =)


  8. I'm semi-vegetarian.

  9. I am an octo-ovo tarian, but am leaning toward becoming a veggie again soon.  Just easing my way back into it.

  10. Vegetarians are amazing! Of course, I'am! as well. SOME people like the people above are dumb and selfish smart alects!

  11. No but I am working on it. I eat meat like other people eat baklava --once in a great while and in very small portions.

  12. yes. people who want nothing to do with it should leave the section.

  13. Nope, vegan. :P

    Luna, the reason there are meat-eaters here is because every question from the "Food & Drink" subgroups ("Beer, Wine & Spirits", "Cooking & Recipes", "Entertaining", "Ethnic Cuisine",     "Non-Alcoholic Drinks", "Vegetarian & Vegan", and "General - Food & Drink") show up if you go to the "Food & Drink" main page. They also might just like vegan/vegetarian food while not being veg*ns themselves. Or, they just might be plain ol' trolls. :)

  14. No. I'm a vegan. :)

    I find it strange that you asked this in the vegetarian and vegan section, and a bunch of meat eaters are answering.

  15. yes :)

    why are there so many people who eat meat in the veggie section????? (i'm not talking about the omnis who are looking for advice/recipes... i'm talking about the " I LOVE MEAT AND DEAD ANIMAL" types... )

  16. Yes and i think everyone should be. It is unfair to steal the souls and lives of our brethren, the animals, plus we are animals to. What would you do if something decided the human race tasted good and decided to nibble and fry our skin and bones. And don't say "Those animals are overpopulated".... maybe it's is true but we are way more overpopulated, kill a human instead if you want to heal the earth from our wounds, or protect our species.

  17. Vegan

  18. No I'm not a vegetarian but I respect the people that are.

  19. I am and i love it~^^

  20. I don't eat red meat or in other words mammals. I couldn't be a vegetarian you loose so much nutrients from not eating meat. I believe beef and pork is.... bad  for you.

  21. Yes.

  22. I was for 4 years but didnt do it right and I got sick all the time. I started eating chicken and fish and taking vitamins. Good Luck. You have to get your protein to stay healthy and keep your immune system up. I dont know how you feel about eggs but there is alot of protein in them.

  23. No, I love meat and a meal does not feel right with out it :-)

  24. I have been vegetarian since I was 17 after watching some terrible factory farming videos and becoming educated on the dangers of consuming meat and dairy and the pain and torture animals go through! I will never ever ever go back to eating meat for the rest of my life!


  26. no I'm not , i find all the things on this big earth to irresistible not to eat.

    except mountain oysters !

  27. yes, and I am thinking about going vegan.

  28. Nope I 'm Not a Vegetarian!!

  29. Nope I am a Non veggie

  30. Yes ma'am, vegan represent!!

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