
Poll: Are you in middle or high school or college/university or do you already have a career?

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Im going to school to be a nurse in January and Im a waitress. What about you?




  1. Im in college.

  2. college

  3. high school

    i want to become a doctor...i plan on going to Boston University

  4. I am in community college and I hate it because I have no social life

  5. 10th grade ~ High school

  6. I'm in high school and I am planning to be an author. As a side job, I will go into political sciences.  

  7. I have a B.A. in English and I'm a stay home mom.

  8. Career!

  9. I am a CCMA and I am currently getting Licensed for Coding, Billing and Insurance in the Medical Field

  10. I'm in my senior year of high school...staying home today to get my homework done lol

  11. I just started my first year of university. I'm studying media and English (so I'll be doing something in that field hopefully). Right now I just work at No Frills (grocery store) lol but I might work at Shoppers Drug Mart if they hire me. That's just part time work to pay for school.

  12. already have a career

  13. high school-10th grade

  14. High School, today was the first day but I'm recovering from and infection so I have to stay home for the first few days.

  15. 11th Grade Junior so Highschool

  16. Currently in University/College - Junior

    Actually, I'm currently in Jury Duty hehe :)

  17. SENIOR in highschool!!! GO C/O '09 :-) PARTY OVA HERE

  18. I graduated with an associates in science as a nurse in 2002.  I currently work as a home care nurse providing care in my patients' homes.  I went back for a BSN (bachelors in nursing) in 2004 and am taking my sweet time getting through it.  

  19. in college part-time, have a full-time career, too

  20. College Freshman.  

  21. I am in college, going for my Associate Degree in Nursing to become a Registered Nurse. I am finishing up my core classes, and going full time right now.

  22. high school

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