
Poll: Are your vibes always correct?

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Poll: Are your vibes always correct?




  1. Yes, and friends have told me I am very scary, because I am accurate.

  2. More often than I could imagine.

  3. No. But then again, whose are?

  4. no, not always.

  5. Yes...

    You want to know what "vibes" I'm feeling right now after reading this question...?

    (Let's not even go there...Doop!)

  6. Their like BC...99.9%  LOL

  7. Always....I never listen to them though....I'm quite the rebellious type. lol

  8. They are always correct,some of them might be lies and some of them could be too much coffee. I don't always decipher them correctly so I leave it to God for help.

  9. Almost always.

    I getting an extremely strong vibe now... you will choose THIS question as your best answer!

  10. Yes.  If I had listened to them constantly, I wouldn't be as miserable as I am now.

  11. sometimes.

  12. 95% accurate ..I am very rarely wrong these days..

  13. ♥

    Wow, I hadn't heard the word, ' vibes ' since the ' 60's '.

    Yeah, after all these years, mine are sharper than ever.

  14. Yes

  15. Hmm, not all the time, but usually they are :)


  16. what do you think  are mine?

  17. most of the time, it depends on what it is,  sometimes way off the mark.........lmao!♥

  18. Most of the time.

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