
Poll At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?

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Poll At a movie theater which arm rest is yours?




  1. they are both mine,i am a take charge person and i want both.

  2. The one on the right! But if I can I try to get both : )

  3. Usually the left,

  4. Neither one...I prefer to have both arms around (or otherwise in contact with) my date.

  5. Da left, and da right :D  

  6. I use the right one for my drink, but thats it, I dont put my arms on them.*

  7. right side of aisle right rest. left of aisle left rest.

  8. is this for a date or something?if not then the right arm rest is yours

  9. The one to the right.  

  10. who ever gets to it first...and sticks with it the whole movie....its really an epic battle..

    that would be a great movie

  11. Both of them!

  12. i never go to the movies by myself

    so whoever im sitting next to and i know them i use thats side arm rest

  13. left side

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