
Poll: At what age do people stop being s**y to you?

by Guest31829  |  earlier

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ill be 26 at midnight, should i be worried?




  1. Depends. I don't have an age criteria set for sexiness age limits. I've met or have seen people who are in great shape in their 40s, 50s and 60s who still have it (Raquel Welch, CIndy Crawford). As long as they are in great shape and have a nice, bright attitude, I think you can be s**y any age. Happy Birthday to you and you don't have to worry! 26, you're still a baby =)

  2. i don't go by age, it's how they look. i've seen a couple of women that were over 50 that blew me away.  

  3. I'm not sure. Richard Gere is 60 and still s**y!

  4. 18-60 after that UGLY!

  5. I got to admit I like women up until there in their forties. Any older it starts getting creepy.  

  6. Oh to be 26 again!. To me i have never thought about an age limit to being s**y. Sean Connery is s**y and he is in his sixties. Look at Goldie Hawn. People consider her s**y and she is 60. it is all in the eyes of the beholder. As long as people look good and feel good about themselves they will always have an auroa about them. Maybe we can't see it but one of their loved ones will.

    Happy Birthday

  7. I was just hitting my stride 11 years ago when I turned 26.  Enjoy!

    Happy Birthday!

  8. Well... now i'm 20 so people over like 28 really don't interest me. To people who are 30 i bet other 30 yr olds still look pretty good. I bet i'll be 65 and still wanna have s*x with other 65 yr olds so i guess it depends on your perspective and how old you are. 26 is not unsexy though! Chill!! =)

  9. HUH?? we quit having s*x??

    omg i cant breathe!!

    send me your email

    address so i can send you a gift! *wink*

  10. i just seen a clip on the tv of an 80 year old woman in vegas who still strips...have to say, i hope i look that good when im 80!!!

  11. im guessing about 50ish and up is when they stop being s**y to you

    but if you mean at what age do women stop being s**y then i would say about 65 or somwhere, because ive seen some older ladies that are pretty amazing

  12. wow all my aunts are on their 40s n they still got it going on !!

  13. People stop being s**y when they get old man as$.  Happy Birthday, sugar.  Hope you do something great tomorrow.

  14. HAHA!  26?  You haven't even entered your sexual peak if your a woman!  Relax!  

  15. It's not the age, it's the mileage.  There are people who still look pretty hot into their sixties, as long as they're not all weird and wrinkly.  We're all going to get older, and you can always close your eyes.  Someone with a bitchy personality is way worse than someone who doesn't look "hot" anymore.

  16. nope, 40 for me

  17. at 31 years old

  18. Nancy pelosi lmao oooooo she's smoking hot.

  19. happy birthday- lets have $ex and we will see if u have a problem  lol

  20. Heather Locklear, Bo Derek, Suzanne Somers...Still s**y to me.

  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY...GARRETT! Best wishes go out to you tonight and all year through.

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