
Poll: Do you believe we have souls?

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If yes, please argue. If no, please argue.

I dont want to hear any of this: yes, the soul exists how do you feel emotion than? how do you love?

Well, emotion and thought and all that is caused by our brain and chemicals. There is absolutley nothing about our bodies that can lead us to the conclusion that our soul is intertwined with it. If we do have a soul, there is no indication of it just by studying the human body. Love is a decision, and emotions are just a part of love. Love is not emotions. I can be angry at someone and love them at the same time. When you decide to love someone your actions express that decision.

I really want to believe




  1. Oh bull is not a decision...I don't purposely go up to someone and say  I think I'll love you now...It just far as souls go NO there is no physicality to souls. I'm not absolutely sure they exist...other than what other people tell me I should believe....

    Faith plays a major roll in what you do and don't believe...If you want to believe then listen with an open mind to what people tell you....,If you want to be a cynic then it doesn't matter what anyone've pretty much already made up your mind.

  2. YES!!! =) u cant prove it scientifically or anything, u have to have faith  God made us w/ souls JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!! =D

  3. We could. But does that mean when we die, our souls will go to heaven or our bodies?

  4. yes, I believe that they exist...sadly I sold mine to the devil & still didn't get want I wanted....d@mn that devil

  5. Absolutely,  

  6. I don't have one since I am a redhead.

  7. Yes, because I feel its soulfully living inside of me, and I know if I didn't have it apart of me I would feel dead inside!

  8. yes

  9. not really. i don't know though. maybe it does.

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