
Poll: Do you come to Y!A when you're bored, or Is it a part of your everyday life..?

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For me, a big part of my very sad life lmao!

And you?




  1. part of my every day life i have to say

  2. Its a part of my everyday life. I think its very interesting to ask and answer questions in this type of forum. You can find the answers to anything here. Kudos to Yahoo and all the folks who come here everyday.  :)  

  3. yeahh its taking over my life unfortunately

    i find myself rushing home from a bad day at school to come on here

    im gonna need rehab soon

  4. bored, but part of my everyday life is boring :P

  5. Whenever I have nothin to do

    It's quite addictive


  6. part of life

  7. in summer, it was a part of life (haha), but now that school has started, i'm only coming on when i don't have better things to do. :D

  8. Haha, awww...well, at least u keep me company when I'm on.

    I can always count on u to be here!

    I come on here when I'm bored...or procrastinating (like now)

  9. boredom, although there are days even when i'm soo bored i can't put up this y/a .

  10. same here

    if one day i am not seen here

    be worried very very worried lol

  11. Very sadly to say it is a part of my daily life

  12. part of every day life lets get out of here and ride

    our scooters =)

  13. its part of my everyday life.

    its quite sad actually, i am just addicted.


  14. Only when I'm bored. I have a life now that school started ;]

  15. well... I think boredom is a part of my everyday life.

    so both, actually.

  16. lol.

    after i finish my homework. i usually come on here for like 1 hour and then i get bored of it

  17. boredom but beginning to like it

  18. its interesting to see what's going on  in the yahoo answers community/a part from that its boredom

  19. part of my daily life!

  20. everyday life.

  21. *sigh* its my life

  22. I try to be on here when Im not in school. But now that school started it's back with all the drama and I barely have time to come on here. In the summer since I didn't go any where I was on here like 24/7 but now I barely come on, it's sad tho. =[

  23. both lol when i can go on i do and when im bored i do it to

  24. Boredom brings me here, which is a big part of my life.

  25. I just joined today cause i was bored and when i get the first question i see is Who do you like best Beatles or Stones or what is you favorite popsong and who knows Joe Jonas phone number?

    So i guess my answer is i come here "only" when im bored.

  26. I just come on when I'm bored. But everyone gets bored of YA sooner or later. It's kinda sad when I see people with level 6 or 7 accounts and they say they're STILL addicted to it.

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