
Poll: Do you get self conscious when ordering the toppings at Subway?

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do you feel like everyone staring and listening to you ordering all the toppings on your sub or are you confident and take it in stride?

answer if you have ever tried to order every topping lol




  1. No.  The toppings are what Subway is all about.

  2. No, I order what I want as I am paying for it.

  3. Why would I if I'm hungry I'll eat whatever the heck I want. I put in everything except mayo and mustard cause I don't like the taste and mayo gave me food poisoning once.

  4. i order a few jalepenos



    one tomato


    1 small piece sliced pickle

    sliced bell pepper

    occasionally honey mustard, but that's the embarassing bit...

    they always give me too much despite me asking for a really tiny amount and so i sometimes have to ask them to start over

    .....i mean they completly drench the whole thing in it!


  5. No, never have. Personally I don't care if others hear that I like bell peppers, jalapeños, and tomato on my foot long Turkey.

  6. LOL No!

    I just prey that I don't get food poisoning!!

  7. Yeah sometimes.  Also if the line is long and there are people behind me waiting i feel rushed and try to hurry up and end up only putting half the toppings on that i really wanted !

  8. No, when I want everything, I simply say everything.  No feelings of self-consciousness here ever.

  9. No, and I tell them to load on the mayo too.  But I'm there all the time, so I'm used to it.  I don't care what people think about my sub, I'm gonna eat it, not them!

  10. No I never get self conscious about food.

    When I'm hungry, I mean business.

    Good luck

  11. thats is so true lol i try and go when no one is ordering I tell the other people to go ahead lol

  12. noo. i dont eat there anymore . because when my family wen there to eat, my mom got REALLY sick after that, and it lasted for like a week ! So i never eat their anymore.

  13. The toppings are the most healthy part of the sub. Load up on them.

  14. I order spinach, banana peppers, black peppers, and vinegar with pride, loudly and with virve, so that all around me can puzzle over my bizzare tastes.

  15. OMG, Yes!!!  I usually get TONS of toppings on mine (mostly ALL of the veggies) and i feel like a total pig! lol But i love subway, so it's all good

  16. Not at all.  I couldn't care less if people hear what I order.

    However, I do often get furious with the Subway staff.  I swear, those people are total idiots.  They do not listen!  I once made the girl completely start over on a sandwich three times.  The last time, I told her to get the manager and told her to slow down and listen carefully.  I am allergic to certain things and she kept putting them on the sandwich!  Then she's like, oh, and tries to just move it off.  Hello?  I'm allergic....  Well, I don't have a problem yelling at people and being an obnoxious customer, so why would I have a problem ordering?  Lol!

  17. haha, good question. i don't mind ordering everything but banana peppers. however, i do hate when people are standing right over my shoulder, and i can almost hear them saying "hurry the f up, i'm starving".

  18. i wouldnt really care if they listen i mean what is so bad about toppings?

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