
Poll: Do you get too much, or too little, email in your Y inbox?

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Poll: Do you get too much, or too little, email in your Y inbox?




  1. I too get too much inbox spam, of the other nothing I can't keep up with.

  2. Too much.  All of my important email goes to my primary account, however, and I get too much of that too!  I guess I shouldn't send so much...

  3. I get way too much spam. That is for sure.

    But as far e-mail in general? Just the right amount.

  4. Too little. ;___;

    I've only gotten one email this week.  

  5. to little EVERYBODY E-MAIL ME

  6. too little :(

  7. It's ok... not too much, not too little. I have conversations with my contacts often :)

  8. Too too little.

  9. too little

  10. I'm like most of the others, most days it is to little

  11. tooo much because im a member of like every website then i do answers and i have lots of friends and so far i havent got time to delete all my junk mail lol i have 76 messages that ive already read

    - @shley<3

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