
Poll: Do you know someone who's "pure sunshine"?

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Poll: Do you know someone who's "pure sunshine"?




  1. Yes I certainly do and he is reading this answer right now. Because you see he asked the question.

    And he doesn't even begin to comprehend how wonderful he is and how much joy he brings to others.  That is "true sunshine"



  2. Yep......

    ..... and they make me sick.

  3. yes, he lights up my life like the new dawn, with brightness, warmth and the brilliant vibrant hues of the early morning sunrise!♥

  4. lol... no

  5. My best friend.

  6. yupp

  7. yup evil one sitting two seats down from me

  8. Yes! Mary Beth! ♥

  9. Hmm...I would have to say

    that Babies would be considered

    pure sunshine! Due to their


  10. No. I don't think anyone is pure sunshine.

  11. yes, my adopted "daughter"

    she is so sweet, everyone just loves her, she is never rude, and is one of the kindest people I know.

  12. The 7-11 associate name "Seth" who rings up my coffee every d**n morning...wayyyyyyyyyyy too much on the sunshine.....

  13. Yes...Heavenly Sunshine actually!~

  14. Yes, a couple of people. LOL. Especially my GF. =)

  15. i am sunshine but without the pure.

  16. me, duh

  17. I did a long time ago, his name was Dale Conner and he was my spiritual twin brother. Always happy, always ready with a smile or joke, he was the best. He was killed the day after his 18th birthday in 1981, an entire Galaxy went nova that day in his sweet honor. 27 years later I still miss him.  

  18. No, thank goodness.

    I imagine that would get quite irksome after a while.

    Besides, you'd burn your eyes out looking directly at them.

  19. Sunshine is joyous so GOD/children/love.....Blessings Yahoo

  20. Yes, my cousin Catherine. She's a straight A student. Graduated college without any problems and does not swear. She is pure in heart and is extreamly religious. She was married and had a cinderella wedding. Her husband was a drug addict and she turned him around. She is what most people strive to be like in my view.

  21. Me lol.

  22. Nope, plus I think it would seem annoying. As to me it would seem fake, no one can be "pure sunshine" 24/7 .

  23. No.

  24. Of course! =D

  25. I used to, yes. Her name was Janna and we went to high school together. 95% of the time she wore a smile when I saw her. Haven't seen her since graduation and even then I didn't pay attention to her.

  26. yes>>>>>that would be you!!! Hi sunshine!

  27. No cuz i dont think anyone is ALWAYZ happy. There always something that gonna get someone pissed off or sad.

  28. lol everyone in my life says me but i think yes i do

  29. My cousin...the pure sunshine rises and sets from her butt......LOL

  30. All of my kids, my wife and my three dogs are pure sunshine! I am so glad that my life is full of bright sunshine..... :-)

  31. I'm full of  a lot of offer, someone, but yet to find that within a kind of sameness within someone else....

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