
Poll: Do you like your soda with lots of~~?

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Ice or none at all~~?




  1. i love my soda nice and cold.

    and crushed ice, pleaseee.


  2. lots of ice until the soda floods out the glass

  3. ice is fine with a straw

    but otherwise i don't like too much of it.

  4. i love ice in soda! :)

  5. No ice.

  6. No soda with my ice please. It's healthier if you had teas and such. However on that rare occasion when I do. It's without ice as ice melts before I finish and it delutes the taste!

  7. with ice !

  8. No ice.  It's already chilled and the restaurant people know they can fill the cup up with 15/16 ice and leave you a few drops of soda.  If they argue with me I tell them I've had fillings put in recently and they give me the full cup of soda.  Hee hee.

  9. none. because the ice gets in the way and i dont want to accidentally pop some ice in my mouth and then swallow it cuz that kinda hurts. plus the ice kinda makes the soda taste a little flat to me but thats just my opinion

  10. I like ice with my soda...

    but in all honesty, I do both. :)

  11. none at all,just really cold

  12. I like it with a well amount of ice, I can drink a cold soda from a can though, I don't necessarily just like pour it in a glass with ice. In my opinion that makes it taste worse. But, if it's from a restaurant, or like fast food or something,  I like ice in it, otherwise it just tastes syrupy.

  13. ICE full to the top... with about 50 refills

  14. I like ice, especially with this hot @$$ weather..

  15. little ice

  16. None at all.  Ice waters down the soda.

  17. not LOTS, but about three is fine with me.

  18. None

  19. none

    you get more sodi pop that way  

  20. None at all. I hate it in restaurants when they fill your cup with ice before they even START to put soda in it! You hardly get any!

  21. Oh yes,  ice and lots of it!  

  22. Rum, no ice.

  23. No ice. It makes my teeth

    hurt. And plus it's harder too

    drink with ice.

  24. crushed ice unless the soda is well chilled.  

  25. It depends. If I am really thirsty and the pop is super cold, then I drink it straight, no ice. If I want to enjoy it I put 5 ice cubes in a glass and pour. If I am craving salt, I drink diet 7-UP or Sprite over ice and add alot of salt.

  26. I have to have ice in my soda. I am just accustomed to it. The only time I don't have ice in it is if I am somewhere and I am drinking out of the bottle or can.

  27. I like my soda with lots of jack daniels.  

  28. Ah, depends on how cold it is in the first place!  Usually, with lots.  Living in hot tropics does that to you..

  29. Lots of ice,  But these days I do not drink much soda.  I am into iced green tea with honey.

  30. No!  that way there is more pop in the!

  31. lots ice

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