
Poll: Do you prefer male or female nurses/doctors?

by  |  earlier

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or could you not really care long as job gets done?




  1. Female nurses because I am a male! thats why!

  2. Female. All I was hope my doctor visits will turn into a second rate porno.

  3. HOT Female Nurses. Why? No reason...

  4. I don't really care but upon reflection all my doctors are currently women (3 in total) and it just turned out that way.

    I must admit I think women doctors are better, they have to work alot harder to get there. lol  

  5. Female.

    I think I have a better chance that mental images of my private parts aren't floating around in a woman's mind versus a male.

  6. My GP was male before he retired, but I also had a female doctor to do all the girly stuff with

  7. female

    because it's awkward with male ones

  8. l prefer female doctors. l'm more at ease.

  9. i dont care as long as im taken care of!

    but ive always thought the men are

    gentler, which is a good thing after having surgery!

  10. Female.  

  11. Female doctors & nurses.

  12. female

  13. As long as they have a good attitude and do a good job then gender isn't an issue for me.

  14. I feel more comfortable with female.  

  15. Male :p---

    I love when they bathe me (:

    It's hott.

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