
Poll: Do you remember your dreams from last night?

by Guest32273  |  earlier

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If so, tell me what you dreamed about :) I dreamed i was in school again! (im 25)




  1. i dreamed that my house was broken into while i was there.... i've been having a lot of nightmares recently :(

  2. i didnt dream anything but i usually remmebr mmi dream

  3. Yep I dreamed about a guy I used to like and a guy that I like now. i'm 20 and i dream about being in school a lot but obviously im too old for it lol

  4. i dreamed i could jump really high. I was in Sam's club and they have really high ceilings and i was jumping up too the rafters and floating back down. I always have dreams where i can fly and jump really high.

  5. I had a total nightmare. I can't believe what I was thinking. It's about this little dead girl lying at the side of the window, and she's all curled up. She had a bob, and neatly-cut hair but had blood stains all over. It's so frightening and revolting...

    I also have several sweet dreams, but I noticed I had them weeks ago...Nightmares are creepy, because they give you a bad impression...

    What do you think?


  6. I don't think I dreamed of anything.

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