
Poll: Do you say "We are pregnant" ?

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I was just wondering how many people say "I am pregnant" vs. how many people say "We are pregnant."

I always thought it was weird when people would say "we are pregnant" instead of "we are expecting" because well.. the husband / significant other isn't pregnant haha




  1. I say - "I am pregnant"  I mean he does have to have the nausea, the weight gain, the eventually c-section (I have to have one), and all the other unpleasant parts of pregnancy

    Sometimes I might say "We are going to have a baby"  but I would never say "We are pregnant or We are expecting"

  2. I am pregnant; not we...

    i am carrying the child and throwing up all day lolz, so i want the credit hehe =D

  3. I say "I am pregnant" My fiance' isnt the one who dealt with the morning sickness and the back pain.  

  4. I agree with you. I think it just sounds weird when someone says "we are pregnant." If parenthood ever knocks on my door, I would definitely say that my wife, not we, are pregnant.

  5. I say I am pregnant, after all I am the only one who is pregnant. The father always says we're having a baby.

  6. I have always say "I" am preg..... to me it just sounds better

  7. when my wife was pregnant with our four kids we and her always used to say I am pregnant mean her or I would say my wife is pregnant, I can honestly say I have never heard anyone say we are pregnant.

  8. i say "i'm pregnant". My husband picks on me and says "we're pregnant" but he knows better than to actually believe that!!

  9. i always say i am pregnant. I'm not giving credit to my husband here, he is not the one nauseous all day

  10. Occasionally I'll say "we are pregnant" when my husband is around.  Its nice to include him because even though, he is not carrying the baby, he played a big part in it!  When a women gets pregnant, she gets all the attention and the poor guy is left out!  Whether you say "we are pregnant", or "we are expecting", its the same thing.  He deserves credit also!

  11. Absolutely agree with the responses so far! You're the one who is on the pregnancy rollercoaster - don't let anyone else take the credit! Otherwise we'd have to say "we gave birth"!

  12. i say i am pregnant cause i a the one who is prego .

    but i say we are having a baby or we are expecting a baby his time . but i always say i am pregnant .  

  13. I always used to say "im pregnant" since i am the one carrying the child and going to be giving birth. LoL.  

  14. I say we, only because its our baby although I am the only one who is pregnant it just includes my husband too.  

  15. I think if my husband was around i'd say WE, because I wanted him to feel included too, when it was just me I always said "I", it would be weird I think if I was alone and said WE?? don't you think, I know saying we are pregnant is prbably cheesy but I did always say it when my husband was around.

  16. lol true. personally i think the best way to say it is "we're going to have a baby"

  17. haha I always thought that was weird too..

    "I'm pregnant" is the way to go for sure ;)

  18. My husband would get serious brownie points if he said 'we' are pregnant! I'd love it. He never does though!

  19. Good question...I usually say *I* am pregnant, but when my fiance is around, I try to remember to say *we*, or when I want to let someone know that we're a couple or that I'm not going to be a single mom, I say *we* are expecting.

  20. i always say im pregnant when im by myself, but if we're together or im talking about him i say we're expecting...and he says we're having a baby.

  21. "I am pregnant"

  22. I agree - I think it's weird too!!!  I say "I am pregnant."  No offense to my husband...but he ain't pregnant...I am!!!!!

  23. Expecting seems more appropriate since the female is the one who is pregnant.  xox

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