
Poll: Do you think the US will experience a terrorist attack worse/equal to 9/11?

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If so, what do you imagine can/will happen?




  1. It won't happen as long as we continue to be good little citizens by supporting endless war and allowing the criminal government to shred the Constitution and build a surveillance state around us.  If we just keep buying the politics of fear while criminal politicians run amok, we'll be safe.  Dare we try to elect a non-CFR president, we could be in trouble.  

    Learn about who pulls the foreign policy strings, what they want, and how 9-11 fits their war and globalization agenda.

  2. no

  3. With pres. Bush out of office soon, i dont believe there will be an attack, at least from the middle east.

  4. Sooner or later- you can't have borders that you can't control, or keep out billions of dollars of drugs from coming across it- think about this-  This is what will happen in the near future- the drug gangs get the drugs across the border and in the U.S, plus several million illegals coming in yearly- when the drug gangs get the right money offer to sneak in a dirty nuclear bomb and a few terrorists to go with it, they will do so- and all because the democrats believe it's all right to let those poor people make a living over here, and the republicans want the cheap labor and enough workers over here to create a large pool of cheap labor, thereby keeping wages down and helping business make obscene profits off the backs of modern day slave labor.

  5. no the war is calming down to extreme levels civilian deaths dropped 75% and they even have soccer games and stuff now with no guards

  6. Worst case scenario is a radioactive contamination of a large urban or agricultural area.

    Radioactive material produced in Iran.

  7. I don't believe so.  The United States historically hasn't had terrorist attacks of that magnitude on the homeland.  Granted, the U.S. is a relatively young country compared to its counterparts.  

    It's possible, but I believe that only minor terrorist attacks will be littering the near future.

  8. Yes, maybe not tommorow, or next month or year, but it will happen. My guess is in most living persons lifetimes.

  9. Illegal wiretapping, evisceration of the constitution, police check points demanding blood from drivers, forced vaccinations, death threats by the MSM against peaceful activists, FEMA concentration camps, torture of US citizens (pain compliance), all accountability "off the table", allowing the first responders to die without any federal aid.

    What makes you think we aren't ALREADY experiencing a worse terrorist attack??????

  10. Yes, I believe so.  It seems that so many other countries are hating the US more and more.  And now that our enemies have the technology and intelligence to make harmful weapons I see the U.S. experiencing another war.  No, doubt we will be attacked.  I also feel that our chemical plants will be bombed.....and this explosion will be devastating.  Unfortunately, we are killing ourselves with our man-made weapons.  I don't know when we will be attacked but I predict less than 5 years.

  11. Its pointless to fear what might happen.Thats how we got into the current war in Iraq.Granted there was more to it than the possibility they had WMD's. Saddam's regime had a long history of genocide and needed to be taken down.By dwelling on a possible scenario of terror attacks we become hostages to our own imaginations.No matter how bad something is we can always imagine worse.Terror attacks in the past have resulted in greater patritism from our younger generations.They become eager for retaliation.Terrorists around the world have seen how we react when attacked and they want no part in being next on our S**t list.I wish our government would go after the oil companies the way they attacked Afghanistan.Maybe we could get back to $2 gas again if they did.

  12. there is no way to know, i sure as h**l hope not

  13. No

    But the UK is in for a hammering at some point again in the near future!!

    The US is too eager to shoot things out of the sky etc, however the UK has,apart from july 7th, been too secure, it is a matter of time before canary warf, parliament, or buck house gets hit not to mention the london square mile of high profile world businesses.

    You cant possibly have 100% security all of the time, so at some point, a weakness has to show, and that will be the way they get through!!

    Some of the pre responses are true, and to elaborate a touch. The majority of internal insurgents come from middle class backgrounds!! Fact, and student classes!! fact!!

    Terrorism finds its grounding from initial hatred, embarressment, humiliation and unwanted opression, the people who fight our governments are set to a cause, labelled as terrorists to many, freedom fighters to the few!!

    But who is right in the labelling?? a long, deep and heated debate!!

    However, think of what we would be like under n**i rule then expand your present day mind a touch!!!

    No, im not saying sympathise with these violent people but show a thought to the supporters who dont know any different, whilst opressed under forced  non democratic regimes!!

    Harsh reality but sorry, its fact!!

    Edit; Just a thought guys, it isnt a war anymore! we won that years ago! it is a security/peace operation in current Iraq.

    And to say it has calmed down is a bit naive! ive just literally heard on he news that an incident has occured inside the country, aimed at diplomats/security.

    As far as soccer/football games go, im not sure where you get your info from? unless you have been over there but as far as i am aware, the games are still police by security forces 'iraqi' quite immensily, especially internationals, for bloody obvious reasons!!!!

    Edit: Yes intelligently put, 'in most living peoples life times!!

    This is proving very hard not to be sarcastic, but if there where no living people then there wouldnt be a terrorism problem!!!

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