
Poll: Do you worry more about money or health?

by  |  earlier

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(please pick only between the two)




  1. Money. Without u can not buy insurance,medicine,Etc. to b healthy.  

  2. That is a very tough one but if I have to pick one I would say health.

  3. money cuz without it i can't afford to pay for medical insurance to take care of my health

  4. Health, because as soon as you're healthy, you can make money! [Of course with a good sense of education]

  5. money  

  6. Health. Money comes and goes but without health it's pretty much useless.

  7. probably health. (x

  8. Health. I am a big hypochondriac.  But then I have to worry about the money for getting many check ups to keep up on my health. Crazy, huh?

  9. health

  10. what is your question?

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