
Poll Downes Syndrome?

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If God forbid you had a child with Downes what would you think about ie adoption or bringing it up not an easy question i know but some-onr i know is going through this and it made me think what we would do?




  1. Downs kids are the most loving kids I' know. I have worked in schools with them, and it broke my heart when I left, or they went up to higher school. It wouldn't even enter my head to abandon a downs child that I had carried for nine months. I would keep it, and love it with all my heart, and I know that I would get the same in return. And I'll say something else, it wouldn't turn out like half the chavs knocking about these days either.

  2. Downs is not a problem they are intelligent and loving

  3. We faced that about 30 years ago because the thought then was that older mothers (after 35!) were more susceptible to having a Downes Syndrome baby. There was no question. We knew that we had enough love to carry on with whatever child God gave us, healthy, Downes, whatever. The baby would be OUR baby and would be accepted with love.

  4. I would raise it myself.  Downes Syndrome people are loving caring giving beautiful people.  I would be happy to bring up my child if he/she had Downes Syndrome.

  5. i would still love the child with all my heart and bring them up as best i could no matter what

  6. oh they are so sweet and loving and its my child at the end of the day i would do the job of a mother and love every min of it

  7. have it raise it love the child teach  no one asks to be born . i know its a hard  world as it is . just do the best you can and give the hard times to the lord,.

  8. how can u really say unless u are put in that position .. everyone is different .. .. We are not all made the same ..

  9. My gut feeling is to keep the baby come what may, but I found bringing up three sons without  learning disabilities extremely hard going, so I don't know how I would have coped with a special child.

  10. id keep the baby, regardless of downs or anything else; that would still be my child and i would love it just the same.

  11. Of course I'd bring it up. I'd love it as much as I love my 'normal' children. Disability has never scared me as I was brought up by a disabled mum. As a care-worker I also know that disability can strike at any age! My Boss wasn't born with MS! I'm too old now for Motherhood but it was something my husband and I did consider when we decided to have children! I'm not being unrealistic or 'holier than thou' I just know that it wouldn't have made a difference.

  12. i wouldnt dream of putting them up for adoption, i used to run a nurseyr for children with special needs and although some children with down syndrome can be very hard work, all are loving and rewarding, down syndrome varies so greatly from child to child that when they are that tiny it is difficult to gauage how severly they will be affected. many go on to live relatively 'normal' lives with minimum support whilst others need a lot more help. either way it is so rewarding to see them develop and grow that no, personally i could never give a child with special needs away. its called a special need for a reason..they are special children with a lot to give and we can learn an awful lot from them.

    sorry if that sounds a bit like a lecture it wasnt meant to, im not going to lie it can be hard work, but soo worth it in my opinion, i just feel strongly about these kids!

  13. me an my other half r trying 4 a baby at the mo. we have said if he/she was down syndrome we would still keep him/her because we will be bring them in to this world so its our responsibility to look after our child

  14. I would without a doubt in my heart keep him or her.  You can't control how your kids turn out. I would just make sure that I planned very well for who would take care of him or her when I no longer could once I got to old or was no longer around ( I like to worry about the future, sorry folks). I agree with funky monkey and all the others; downs kids are the most loving children, they are also genuinely happy and appreciate life for what it is. If your friend is afraid that they can't provide for the child financially or physically adoption is not the worst option because she is only looking out for the kids best interest.

  15. I've got three kids a 19 year old daughter and 12 and 9 year old sons. The 9 year old is special needs and needs lots of extra help at school and home. When I was pregnant with him the hospital offered me the test for Downs Syndrome and my husband and I decided not to have it, the baby would be loved whatever it was like. We've proved to ourselves that we were right to do this as my son looks normal on the outside but has a multitude of problems hidden away. A Down's child would of been just as cherished. .... I've just read back what I wrote and I sound a bit 'holier than thou'. I'm not at all, and sometimes all of my kids drive me to the edge of murder and nothing beats a LARGE glass of wine once the youngest is in bed !!!

  16. Down Syndrome, the is no e.

    Yes, God provided me with a son with Down Syndrome and I give thanks every day.  My son is an amazing young man.

  17. "God forbid'???????!!!!!!!!!

    I have an 8 year old autistic son,and God BLESSED me with him...

  18. If we had had a baby with Downes synd 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444... rome we would love it just as much as a baby with the usual amount of chromosones  if not more. My husbands baby sister TINA  was Downes but unfortunatly she died age 3 not long before I met him and they had a very special relationship & she brought and gave so much love and happiness with her.and left a hole when she went. She use to wait for him to come home on payday hold her hand out for "reggie money"  .Last year our daughter who was only 19 was phoned at work and told she an# appointment the next day at Kings college hospital because she had a  very high risk factor for downes .she was devestated .she came home and Dad usually a man of few wor#ds told her " I dont care  we will love her anyway " adoption never entered any ones mind I think a special baby deserves a specilal  00000000000000 love and brings its own special love.2]'/##############21[ .any way it was not til we got to the hospital that they wanted to do amnio and that they would offer her an abortion .We also realized that the risk from the test was 1in 100 of causing a miscarriage  and the risk factor she was given was 1in 150 so there was more chance of loosing a normal baby than having a downes one who would be loved anyway . The row s of numbers was typed by that baby climbing up and leaning on my key board  any way they did a couple of special scans read by top expert doctors and said they thought the indecations of downs were not present .and as what ever this baby was dont being aborted did not do the amnio. the baby was born on 26 th july 2006 she did not have downes .she is georgous she  walked at almost 11 months and is the apple of her mum grandparents ,family and mums friends eyes. HOPE YOUR FRIENDS FIND THIS HELPFUL AND WHAT EVER THEY KNOW THAT THEY HAVE DONE THE BEST FOR THE BABY AND THE WHOLE FAMILY. hope all is well for them

  19. i would raise the child and get as much help as i could afford.  even though this would have happened, you can make this child's life as happy as possible.

  20. I would have the child and raise him and I would even consider adopting one. They are very loving people

  21. I would keep it.

    Its your child and your responsibility to raise no matter what the consequences.

  22. no questions keep it downs or not!

  23. Definately keep. It would be extra special.

    My hubby & i had this convo recently. I am pregnant and decided against the test for downes. We said we'd rather not know because either way we couldn't get rid.

    Good luck to your friend.

  24. I would raise him

  25. funky munky is right that down's syndrome kids are usually very affectionate.  Their degree of mental retardation is usually mild to moderate and they aren't so different to raise than other kids.  They usually are well accepted and liked at school.  (Of course there are always idiots who give anyone "different" a hard time, but in general)

    This is what I know intellectually.  Emotionally, if I found out, say in eutero, that I was carrying a child with Down's syndrome, it would probably be devastating.  I'm sure, though, once my child was born and I got to know my child as a human being instead of a syndrome, I would love him or her and not be able to imaging loving any child more.

  26. mixed feelings i gess :S

    Downs children are a lot of work, and need full time care


    they are lovin, caring, and still deserve a life

    thats a hard one

  27. We've actually considered adopting a child with downes syndrome, and may decide to sometime in the future.

  28. My mother told me that when she was pregnant with my brother, because of her age they thought that my brother had a high risk of downs.  They offered her an amnio to test for it, but told her that there was a possibility it could result in misscarrige.  

    My mother decided against it, because she said she already loved the baby, and that even if my brother had downs syndrome, it didn't matter and it wouldn't change anything, so why bother getting the test.

    My brother came out competely healthy.  And because of that, I would be the same way.  It would hard and a little disappointing, however, your child is your child, no matter what.  I would definitely keep it.

  29. If you have a child you have to face the responsibility of raising the child no matter what problems there are.
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