
Poll: Fair City, Glenroe or Ros Na Run?

by Guest60153  |  earlier

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Which do you prefer and why?




  1. Glenroe. In its day was so much what rural Ireland was like. miss it terrible..... BRING BACK BIDDY AND MILEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. im irish and i hate them all

  3. have to say irish soaps are a joke, are any of the people in them really actors?

  4. Fair City.

    Because it's the only one I watch!

    = )

  5. I don't really like any of them but I do find myself watching Ros na Run now and again. =]

  6. Fair City for sure

    Then of course the Emmerdale

  7. None, but I don't watch any soaps on any of the channels, (unless you can count 'Shameless' as a soap),  Is Glenroe still on the Tele?

  8. never really watch any of them.. but sometimes end up watching ros na run, its so funny and far fetched.. By the way hasn't glenroe been taken off the TV?

  9. I'm American, but when my wife and I visited Ireland on holiday in 2001, we got sucked into "Fair City" was about the time of the events leading up to Lorcan killing Billy Meehan, so it was very much talked about by everyone then. When we returned for a couple of weeks last year, that event was still memorable enough that people still knew immediately what I was describing, and were able to fill me in on what I had missed in six years!

    So "Fair City" would be my vote.

  10. Don't like any of them.

  11. Ros Na Run or fair city emmmmmmm i can understand fair city more.....sometimes i watch ros na run but only to brush up on my irish.......leaving cert!!!!!

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