
Poll: Favorite fruit?

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Bananas are great; and good for you too!





  1. Well...pineapples are my all time favorite...its sweet, juicy and taste great in alcohol(they absorb the liquor, so when you eat it last get a great buzz lol!).  You can also get them how you want it...sliced, tidbits, rings, crushed or chunks!  I also love watermelon.

  2. Anything that can be made into alcohol.

  3. coconuts.

  4. apple, kiwi, banana, grape

  5. Oranges....Strawberries....Pineapples...... of course the ever so popular....BANANA!!! =]

  6. The only one I ever eat is Bananas.

  7. i like strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, and mango's also watermelon and kiwis... i like more fruits than this though!

  8. Right now it is a toss up between fresh pineapple, strawberries, and nectarines.

  9. fresh juicy pineapple

  10. Mango & Bananas


  12. Pear

  13. Bananas

  14. I honestly have to pick bananas!!

  15. avacado, although banana's are good

  16. Teeee, heee, heee, bananas. lmao

  17. peach, kiwi, mangosteen

  18. mango, bananas, grapes, nectarines.

  19. I  LOVE Oranges!!!!

  20. I can't believe nobody has mentioned raspberries.  So delicious!

  21. Kiwi =]

  22. lychee and mango

  23. I like a lot of fruit. Grapes, Nectarines, Peaches, Pineapple, Granny Smith Apple's, Orange's, Banana's, Watermelon, Kiwi, Plums & Mango's!!!!

  24. Grapes or Bananas

  25. Apples and bananas
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