
Poll : Girls,how much can you lift ?

by  |  earlier

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I just started to work out and I find I bench like 60lbs which is not much but its a friend jokingly told me that most girls could lift me more than me but not to worry since I would soon start lifting more..

Though I agree with his words I cant help wondering how many girls here could lift more than me at present

Girls,how much can you lift ?




  1. I weigh 105 and can bench press 90

  2. i once picked up this fat 60 pound weiner dog and once i picked up a bag of dirt and manuer about 80 pounds so i can lift as much as you pretty much

  3. I think it really depends on how much you weigh.  I can bench around 65, 70 on a good day... BUT I weigh 100-105 lbs on any given day.  However, when I first started lifting, I could only do a few reps with the bar (approx. 45 lbs)!

    As a rule, it's generally good to be able to lift like 1/2 of your body weight.  Keep at it... you'll get stronger.

  4. Lol.. that's funny. Arent you going to tell them what method you used? I know girls that can leg press 220 pounds.

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