
Poll: Has your love for your husband/wife tapered off or does it continue to grow stronger each day?

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Mine gets stronger by the minute for my wife,with no end in sight.




  1. the only thing that can stop it from growing stronger is death.  and I don't think that will stop the love.

  2. Our love is very strong. It's only been 4 years  but we keep it strong with lots of love and communication!   Try a healthy marriage program. It's wonderful!

  3. It depends on when your asking....seems like for the most all have been together or married for less than five years, is that correct???   Hate to be the odd ball here but my love has absolutely started to taper, even dwindle, I'm not sure the candle is even burning......might be borderline contempt...yea, i think it is.

  4. Each day is different and sometimes I feel like killing my husband (not literally of course) and two seconds later he has me laughing so much that I feel like I am the luckiest woman on the planet. I sometimes love him so much I could burst and other times I cannot even look at him. It depends on how long you have been married maybe or on you. It changes, but it is all good.

  5. It gets stronger.  

  6. Stronger every day for sure !!!!  10 yrs and still going great !!

  7. My fiance have been together for years and we love each other more every day.

  8. I love my husband for who he is everyday, stronger. I find somehing new to love him for everyday. Even though some may see different.

  9. awww thats soooo sweet. i hope my soon-to-be-hubby feels that way for me forever!

  10. Wow.  You're just a question asking mother F-er, aren't ya?  LOL!  It grows stronger.

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