
Poll : Have u ever been happy, without any big reason as such ?

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Has it ever happened to u that u r filled with happiness completely.. but when u come to think of it, nthing actually happened.. it was either a very minor thing, or just a feeling frm within for no reason.. !

Pls do share..

thnx :)

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  1. I feel that way right now besides me being super tired.

  2. Yes, i can remember a few times i have just felt happy for no particular reason, been laughing and in a good mood and cant explain why. I cant really explain why this sometimes happens, but its nice if it does, perhaps its just a sudden release of the happy chemical in the brain, or perhaps there doesn't necessarily have to be a reason.

  3. I believe that it is called "enlightenment" when you feel happy for no reason... Finding reasons to be happy was the problem in the first place... I was sitting at my computer once and I was thinking about something, an idea sort of "clicked" and I felt "happy" for about a day and a half. Another time I took some drugs and, well, you know...

  4. Yes!! It's part of the "positive/optimistic image." Happiness from within needs no reason, just room to bloom and flourish. =)

  5. I dont know if this counts, but my older brother has a friend named Milo... Milo is like one of those people who is always happy, for no real reason... Whenever he's around, so am I... Just the fact that he comes to hang out makes me perfectly happy... I never want him to leave :) I should ask him why he's always so happy

  6. I am always happy whether it be of some reason or not

  7. yes, many times. the joy of being, the gratitude to be alive, the beauty of all creation...bliss-

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