
Poll: How long is your daily commute to work?

by  |  earlier

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And how do you get there (bus, subway, drive, etc)?




  1. depending on traffic, my drive is between 25 and 40 minutes.

  2. Drive about 20 min.

  3. redadfasdf

  4. This morning it was 50 minutes by bike - 9 miles.

    It's 8 miles by car - 20 minutes.

  5. 45mins-1hr depending on traffic. And I drive.

  6. Drive 30 mins each way.

  7. 10 minute drive.

  8. 15 seconds.  work from home, downstairs

  9. It depends on the day and time that I leave

  10. 45 minutes each way , i drive  

  11. drive about 20min

  12. 10 seconds (I work from home)

  13. 8-10 minutes by car or 16-18 minutes by bicycle  

  14. 45 minutes one way and I drive...

  15. My commute 30 miles each way and if the traffic isn't too bad it takes on average 1.5 hours. I drive. Bus station is 10 miles away and no bus drop off/pick up anywhere near my work place. Distance is too great for bicycle or walking.  

  16. Like angel, above, it takes me about ten seconds to walk from my den to my office in my home.  A tank of gas lasts me about three months, and I save a lot of money on office rent.  Also I get to deduct depreciation on a percent of the cost of my home, part of the utilities plus part of the homeowner association dues.

    Switching from an office to home caused me to lose a few clients, but most stayed with me and some mail their information instead of coming to the office.  Some have even moved to another state and still send their information to me to take care of.

  17. I drive approx 25 miles each way and around 35 minute commute in a car.  I don't usually hit rush hour as I typically go the opposite direction of rush hour traffic.

    Thanks for asking this hehe I had the same question.  

  18. I drive 1 hour, one-way in no traffic... 2-3 hours one-way if I get caught in rush hour. Fortuantely I rarely get caught in rush hour.

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