
Poll: I threw up for 3 hrs last night. can you do worst?

by Guest34426  |  earlier

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Poll: I threw up for 3 hrs last night. can you do worst?




  1. well, when i was a little kid. everytime i got a headache, within an hour of it, i'd throw up, and it would last the rest of the day! headache was gone, but i just couldnt stop throwing up.


  2. Aww I'm sorry love. I hope you feel better.

  3. yup when i had jaundice i woud throw up everytime i ate anything even water -- for 3 days till i went to the doctor.

  4. I'll make a song of it.

    I threw up thrice last night,

    And I liked it .

    The taste of spice and vomit.

  5. Yeah.

    I was about 19, and thought that a bottle of  Ouzo

    after a few ( read -"a lot of" ) beers was a good idea.

    I was sick for THE WHOLE DAY

  6. one night i drank three bottles of jagermeister. i threw up for 7 hours the next day.

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