
Poll: If a Jew has to decide between his country and Israel?

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What will he choooooooose?

his country






  1. The choice is easy when one's country IS Israel.

    Other than that, it depends on what you mean by 'deciding'.

  2. Jews are Jews first and anything else second.Israel is first in their hearts and minds.They will always choose their fellow Jews over anyone else and Israel over any other country.Proof: The convicted American Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard whom Israel is constantly trying to get the Americans to release.

  3. every country have evry religions and people of that religions dont problem with together and no different with another religions ,I think they choose their country.

  4. Do you mean an American Jew therefore America OR Israel....

    the answer for the answer police: it depends on the person preference.  This is really a very unintelligent jabbing question.

    Dandyl makes an excellent point!

  5. America and Israel.

    We will never betray America unlike some people who come to live here and burn the flag of the country that offers them all the freedom in the world.

    If you have to choose a side go live in the country your siding with.

    "Shyster Rich Jew" has contradicted himself way too many times, you ain't no Jew.

    Why are all the Muslims such wussys they have to hide behind a different religion to say what they think?

  6. Decide? Under what circumstances? If it was say a football (soccer for Yanks and Aussies) match I'd support England.

  7. This here Jew the one answering has A choice, he chooses Israel the promised land, but again I am free to live anywhere I chose, and for some part of the year I do, Others may do as they wish, however you must understand, Israel is always, always OUR HOME.

  8. Both!

    Religious parallel to this question is to respect both mother and father.  It's commanded and our Sages echoed it.

    You know the reason why countries are named female in languages?  Because they give birth to people.

    Your question wants people to betray their mother country for sake of father country that protects it (and vice versa) but the two are inseparable.  It is match made in Heaven!

    America's Might comes from G-d because we believe in same G-d.  It is possible to support both countries in fact we're supposed to.

    Israel is strong enough to protect both herself and the diaspora including her allies and has a strong mutual agreement in this regard in many realms. The relationship goes both ways.

    Jewish people have had a relationship with every country they have been in.  In countries where the diaspora has left, it has contributed to that's country's decline.

    Morocco (not doing too well now):

    "1949-1956 – Over 90,000 Jews emigrate via Jewish Agency office in Casablanca.

    1956-1961 – 18,000 Jews smuggled out of Morocco.

    1961-1964 – 80,000 Jews leave on chartered planes and ships in return for "COMPENSATION" to Moroccan government from Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

    1975 – 22,000 Jews remain in Morocco. King URGES Jews to RETURN.

    2000 – 6,000 Jews remain in Morocco; an estimated 600,000 Moroccan Jews and their descendants live in Israel." - the forgotten refugees

    Iraq (all messed up too):

    "According to Iraqi law, the Jews had to sell their property and liquidate their businesses before they could leave. Many sold large properties for ridiculous sums in order to win the right to immigrate.

    Waiting in Bagdad was tense, some 50,000 Jews signed up in one month, and two months later there were 90,000 on the list. This mass movement STUNNED the Iraqi Government, which had not expected the number of immigrants to exceed 8,000, and feared that administrative institutions run by Jewish people might COLLAPSE." - virtual library

    Well, maybe if Iraq had a better information minister than "Bagdad Bob" they might have fared better.

    "They're not even [within] 100 miles [of Baghdad]. They are not in any place. They hold no place in Iraq." ::::as an American tank drives by the camera:::::

    Thoughtful and hilarious question, thanks Dance for asking it :)

  9. About 40 of all Jews are Israeli so there is no contradiction for them. There are about 13 million Jews, and there are 5.3 million Israeli Jews.

    As an American Jew, it is an interesting question. I actually had dual citizenship by birth (to a country other than  Israel) and renounced it at 18. The reason is that politically, one can only be loyal to a single country.

    However, the word "Israel" also refers to the people of Israel (Bnei Yisrael, Am Yisrael), ie my ethnic group and co-religionists. Asking me to chose against this is a little like asking Christians to chose America over Christianity.

    I am perfectly happy to fully support America in terms of political allegiance, barring divine intervention. But that does not mean holding any animus to Israel. Israel is an ally of the US and we have shared interests. It is similar to the situation with Great Britain.

  10. my guess would be israel because deep down they only care about jewland.

    but i cant point the finger, if it came down to my country or go with lebanon....unless it came down to jessica alba or lebanon, then id go with jessica alba.

  11. Obviously his country... if he would choose Israel, then he'd move to Israel... if he (or she) remains in his or her home country, then obviously that is the country of priority.

  12. The true? if someone is living in Europe or in the US he should stay there.

    Here the taxes are very high, you need to serve 3 years in the IDF, alot of wars, the politicians are all criminals (Olmert, Katzav, Fishenzone), the rent in Tel-Aviv is very expensive, the salaries are very small, the weather is too hot, we have Syria,Lebannon,Iran that want to kill us, we do not get free education or discounted education like in European Union Countries, there are no jobs and even if you find a good job you could earn twice as much in the United-States or in Europe, no casinos here...

    In the UK = Don't must to serve in the army, no bombing, free education OR very discounted education (you only pay 5% tops), the taxes are much lower, the climate is less warm, there are not arab countries near you that want to kill you, no wars, people are earning much more, there are casinos there that are tax free.. better life.

  13. Any American citizen who's first pledge of honor is not to the United States of America should be charged with treason, or leave the country.

  14. When I'm in Israel--I'm an Israeli, when in the U.S.--I'm a Jewish American, and when I'm in Gaza--if I don't get outta there, I'm dead! You see--it's how you are perceived! Conversely, if the Arabs in Israel wouldn't identify with Palestine--they'd be considered Israelis! However, they for the most part identify themselves with Palestine, so how can they be considered Israelis when they themselves tell you that they're aren't!

  15. I think the Jews in Palestine are dragging down all of those fine Jews of the Diaspora.

    Most of them don't want to know anything about Israel.

    I am afraid that those "not so smart" Jews that are trying to create this "monster" country of theirs have succeeded to increase anti-semitism to some byzantine proportions.

    I have read somewhere that B.Gurion himself said that Israel will put an end to world wide anti-semitism.

    You can see how wrong that fellow was of course.

    So no I suggest the Jews to stay where they are for better or for worse.

    Otherwise they'll invent somekind of Communism like Marx or Trosky did and that will be real bad for us the "Gentiles" (as the Jews refer to us in an un-polite way).


  16. israel is a jews country. not palistinians. god gave israel to jews after rule under egypt.

  17. Many Jews have already made that decision.  They did not migrate.

    BLT I thank God you aren't American too.

  18. No Israel for me.

    I've been there, trust me on that.

    No more killings, no more terrorism, no more crazy taxes, no more racism, no more water shortages, no more mosquitos, no more nukes, no more 3 year army service for my kid, no more yechy food, no more do this do that!

    That was the wisest thing I have done in my entire life.

    Greets from San Marino


  19. i cant speak on behalf of every single jewish person on this earth, but israel has always been for the jewish people its one country who has never let a jewish person down.

    most jewish people might live elsewhere , for various reasons, but israel will always be home for them

  20. If it wasn't for our technological capabilities and the Jewish loyalty to Israel, they would have been unable to make nuclear weapons and threaten the world.

    I agree with DasReich. Germans are so d**n smart. God bless Germany.

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