
Poll: If an older lady was having problems getting her pants unbuttoned in the bathroom, would you help?

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Even if you would, do you think it is or is NOT polite to ask?




  1. Yes, I would help her. And no, it is not impolite. She obviously needs help and she had the courage to ask me. Its would be extremly impolite of me to say "No.", then walkaway. Imagine if that was your grandma asking and no one wanted to help her. If she needs help and Im able, I would help.

  2. i think it is a little rude to ask. if seriously needed help they'd ask

  3. Only if she asked.

  4. Yea I'd help.I don't think it'd be impolite to ask if she looks like she's really struggling.

  5. yes i would help. if i saw she was having a hard time i would ask if she needed help too. i always try to help people if i can.

  6. I would help her.

    I'd do it quickly and have light conversation with her to alleviate any awkwardness and leave her in privacy.

    I'd ask her if she needed any help when she was through. I would err on the side of assistance and if i were brushed off, that would be fine.

    We don't help each other enough.

  7. if she asked me for help then yeah but Id be to embarresed to offer to help some old people can be mean and stubborn and thk they can do everything by themselves

  8. When I broke my thumb 14 years ago I had to take my 11 year old son to the door of the ladies room at Walmart and have him help me unbutton my jeans. Had there been another woman in the restroom I would have probably asked her to help and been uncomfortable doing so, as I suspect she would have been uncomfortable, too (my son was, but I had no other choice). I left the restroom and bought a few pair of pants with elastic in the waist so I wouldn't be faced with that problem again.

    Sometimes we need help and hate to ask for it, but as I've gotten older I've learned that there is nothing wrong with asking for help OR asking someone if they need help. It's a fact of life that most of us are going to need assistance with simple tasks when we get older, so I wouldn't find anything at all rude about an older person asking for help in the bathroom. I would try to make them feel as comfortable as possible about the situation.

  9. depends how old...and its not polite to ask

  10. whats an old lady doing in the men's room?

  11. how would you know shes having trouble? Theres doors so you can't see her haha.

    But seriously, no I don't think its rude if If she asked me and yes I probably would help because shes probably more embarressed by simply asking me than I would be by helping her.

  12. I look at it this way, she is probably more embarrassed and upset to have to ask for the help. She was once a thriving young woman and now has to ask for help. We will all be there one day if we are lucky to live that long.  If she needed the help and asked, I would help her out.

  13. I would ask if she needs help.

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