
Poll: If your modem died and you had no connection for 2 weeks would you have withdrawls?

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  1. lol, i started to agree, cause 2 weeks is along time. but now that i think about it. it would actually be interesting. i did buy an xbox 360 recently and i've barley touched it. so maybe I could actually finish dead rising.

  2. At first, but by 2 weeks I would probably be cured. It would take a catastrophe though.

  3. mine died a couple  years ago and my sisters and I decided we didn't want internet and this summer we got it again because it was required for school.

    At least those two weeks are over

  4. It did and I did.  It was rough for TWO MONTHS!!!!

  5. At least you have an excuse. I had to go away for a month and leave my laptop behind.

  6. I think the most i've been without internet was about 2-3 months. I was fine because i didn't really care much about the computer. But now if that happened i'd go mental but then again i'd get over it pretty quick.  

  7. I would have withdrawals for the first week and a half. I would then realize I can live without it...but then it would come back and I'd need to catch up...ya know, just for a few mins...or hours...

  8. it did--i hated it!

  9. I would have the biggest come apart you have ever seen.  I work from home so if my modem died I would have to work in the office every day and that's a 150 mile round trip each day.  To have to work in the office very day with all those snooty biotches would be pure torture..TORTURE I am telling you!  I would end up in the nuthouse.

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