
Poll: Initial reaction?

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What would your initial reaction be if you see someone you knew well as the annoying one working in a place like McDonalds?

I just did today. Stopped at a traffic light, and saw them serving food to someone through the windows.




  1. Laugh. A lot.

  2. Laugh Haha

  3. I'd drive through and make fun of them >:D

  4. good for him or her; there is dignity in all labor.

  5. hahaha, their job is to ask 'would you like fries with that' and they get paid $6.15 an hour, and I get paid $10

  6. I'd laugh my head off

  7. I would say, well at least she has a job. btw love your avitar! TORCHWOOD! woo hoo

  8. I would wonder if the customers she had to serve found her as annoying as I do. Also laugh.

  9. There are drive throughs in Cardiff?

    Oh, so that's where they work............

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