
Poll: Is Homosexuality wrong?

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A quick poll for AS coursework. Please be honest and nice :)






  1. I answer this same question everyday so I won't bother answering o_o

    Sorry for my pointless answer but it has a point.

  2. My definition of "wrong" is doing something to harm another person in one way or another.  I have yet to figure out how homosexuality fits into the "wrong" catagory.  The thought of it may be unpleasant to me...but so is the thought of eating brussel sprouts.  

  3. No, it depends on individual and is one chioice to mke the decision.

    Whether you want to pursue your passion for another person of the same s*x, or try to change this.

  4. no

  5. No

    what makes you think it is ?

  6. I don't think so. My philosophy is that you can do whatever you want with whomever as long as no one is forced against their will. Basically it's "No victim, no crime."

  7. No, not at all.

  8. Yes its wrong.  It may not be a conscious choice to desire children either but most would agree its wrong so your point is moot.

  9. Is Homosexuality wrong? and you ask that in this section? I think the consensus will speak for itself

  10. No are we hurting anyone by being happy and being with the one's we love

  11. of course its wrong prostitution is a consciounse choice and most people agree its bad

  12. People think it's wrong to love the same s*x, and which I don't think it is. So to answer your question No, homosexuality is not wrong. No matter what people say, I say it's not. F what other people think. ♥

  13. so not wrong... its natural

  14. it is wrong if your partner doesn't know or if it is forced on another.  Other- wise it is their business.

  15. No it's not wrong.

  16. This is a loaded question filled with philosophical twists and turns that is also the subject of much debate. With that said, homosexuality to some is wrong and to those who are homosexual it is not wrong. A persons sexuality does not preclude them from being good, decent and loving human beings nor does it insure they will be.

    Homosexuality is merely that, a sexuality and it can be used for right (love making) or wrong (forced s*x) as can any other sexuality. Human beings are sexual creatures. Homosexuality is merely another way for humans to express that deep and passionate love that they feel for another person. It's as close as we humans can get to becoming one with the person we love so dearly.

    Personally, I'm opposed to recreational s*x but I will defend the rights of others to engage in it. But with all things in life there are consequences. That we should always remember.

    I hope this has helped to answer your question.

    I'm Paranormal Hamburger and I approve this message.

    My answers are fat free, cholesterol free, sugar free, and caffeine free. Batteries not included. ©2008 By Paranormal Hamburger. All Rights Reserved (Humor).  

  17. d**n Right!!! It is plain NASTY!!  No matter what any of them say it is a choice!

  18. no, it's not wrong

  19. no.  

  20. Only if you are heterosexual.

  21. No.  What kind of class is that?  Don't even ponder that thought.

  22. hecka no.

    people are people, no matter who they love is love, no matter what the sexes of both people involved are.  

  23. Yes

  24. no.

  25. No, it's not a conscious choice, it's not harming anyone. I don't care what some old book says.

  26. Of course it is not wrong, in and of itself.

    Heterosexuality can be used either for good -- to bond in a long term relationship, share pleasure, and raise children -- or for evil -- to rape or dominate or take advantage of others.

    Likewise, homosexuality can be used for good -- to bond in a long term relationship and share pleasure -- or for evil -- to rape or dominate or take advantage of others.

    If used with love and care, homosexuality can be a great gift.

  27. Not at all.  Who is anyone to say that two consenting adults can't get married and love each other?  

    No one has the right to judge someone else's life if that someone else is not hurting anyone.

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