
Poll: Is Sarah Palin attractive?

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Poll: Is Sarah Palin attractive?




  1. I am a female but she is a beautiful girl NO I am not g*y or L*****n whatever you want to call it

  2. Dont know enough facts to be a fan, However I always find power and confidence attractive in a lady.

  3. Yep. She's gorgeous !

  4. yes i'd have a foursome with Palin and her girls

  5. I'm a girl and no.

    But I think her skin is flawless! Could be the make up -.-

  6. yes she is

  7. h**l no is being old like mccain=mcsame attractive lol

  8. yes she can definetitely get it

    I can see why the republicans believe that she is a great ***-set  

  9. She's cute. Not "s**y", but cute. I can appreciate her natural beauty.

  10. Yea she is ..but i wouldnt say shes hot..cuz she is wayy too old for me.

  11. Nope but personally I think the woman and her family has some serious issues though....

  12. haha, yes

    i'd tap dat  xP

  13. OMG YES!

    I was watching the RNC tonight as she spoke, and I couldn't stop thinking about how hot she was! Such a pity that her beliefs and positions on various topics totally cancel out her attractiveness.

  14. she looks like tina fey

  15. I think she is an attractive woman, yes.

    But I also think her policies are atrocious and far overshadow her physical beauty.

  16. im straight and pregnant!-no shes not to me!

  17. does it matter?  no.  will it be a big part of the election? yes.  is she attractive?  yes.  does she go thru a lot of trouble to make herself look a lot less s**y and a lot more matronly so that people will take her seriously (not endorsing her politics)?  h**l yes.

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