
Poll: Is alcohol really a crutch and if so, is Jack Daniels a wheel chair?

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Poll: Is alcohol really a crutch and if so, is Jack Daniels a wheel chair?




  1. No Jim Bean is, he cost me everything, my family, my life. I know I should quit, but I'm like *** it I'm no quitter.

  2. Jack, Johnny and Jim are some of grandmas best buds.  

  3. Yes and everclear is a full body cast.

  4. Jack Daniels is a "firearm". Makes people shoot their mouths off.

  5. definitely for a good friend of mine.  He lives for anything alcohol.  He rarely eats and drinks a case of beer a day!

  6. ...i don't know..but i do know...captain morgan rum is for intensive for me...seamanab

  7. Yes.

  8. jack daniels is the cast, and patron is the wheel chair... :D


    Jack Daniels is a wheel chair

    Old Granddaddy is bedridden

    White Lightening is your own grave

  10. That JD bugger has almost put me in a wheel chair on a few occasions.

    I also know JD put my friend in a shopping cart while I pushed her home.

    Oh, the days when I was young.

  11. He is my wheelchair and my meds

  12. haha

    i like it.

  13. Oh come on now, really. I mean, alcohol's a LIQUID for goodness' sake, so how on earth could it be a crutch? I suppose if it was hella cold and you managed to freeze it solid, you "may" be able to chisel it into the right shape, but jeez, isn't it easier to just use wood or aluminum?

    As for your other question, Jasper Newton "Jack" Daniels ain't no wheelchair, either. He's a dead guy. Dead since 1911 from blood poisoning.

    I hope this clears things up for you a little.

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