
Poll: Is it a good idea to go to parties in high school where there is drinking? Why?

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Just say why it is or isn't




  1. No.Let's just say,things are gonna get out of controll.If you know what i mean.

  2. no. there's too much risks of danger.

  3. if you plan on drinking then yes.

    and if you think you might be forced to but wouldnt want to, then no.

  4. No. Be an individual and have taste. There's plenty of things you can do for fun.

  5. All your friends are doing it, come on knock a few back.

  6. Of course it is. That's where my alcoholism started. (Plus you might get laid)

  7. well

    theres a few good things that can come out of it...then a few bad


    you might get laid

    its fun

    meet new people

    you get free alcohol

    can trash peoples houses if you dont like them or if your bored

    you can fight someone you dont like...and most likely theyll be drunk so...youll win lol

    you wont remember what the h**l happened the next day


    if the cops come and you get arrested...your screwed

    if you do get laid and you dont have a rubber and she gets pregnant...your gunna have a baby...or she can say you raped her and yeah

    you can get drunk and someone might try to fight you and beat the **** outta you

    fights break out at parties and people swing at people and htey dont even know why

    if you drink enough you can get alcohol poisoning...youll have to go to the hospital and get your stomach pumped...which is a *****


    if you dont wanna drink youll prob have to

    thats all i can think

    id go if i were you...but the last time i went to one there was a huge fight

    and this guy came at me with a baseball bat...hits me in the leg a few times and knocks me on the stubborn and dont care about leg was almost broke but i didnt care, i get up run after him and punch him in the face like 4 times nocking 5 of his front teeth out and breaking his nose and gave him a black eye...and he had to have staples in his head cuz i took his head and slammed it on concrete then took the bat and starting nocking the **** outta him with it....he called the cops and it wasnt a very pretty ending...i wasnt drunk though but i got charged with battery even though he came at me first...and i didnt even know him

    almost had to go to juvie for 3 years hahaha

    but yeah...thats one example of what can go wrong...and im still wondering how the h**l he called cuz he couldnt talk haha

    and i almost had to get surgery cuz my knee cap was cracked in half

  8. NO.  Underage drinking is against the law.  Even if you don't get busted for it, a lot can go wrong.  There's always the chance you might do something you regret and as Cutie Pie said it is real easy for things to get out of hand.  

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