
Poll: Is the way you live your life; is it more about speed or endurance?

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Poll: Is the way you live your life; is it more about speed or endurance?




  1. Neither.  It's quality of life, as another contributor so aptly put it.  To be a true human being and value the life I have.

  2. Endurance & quality

  3. Endurance. Remember the Hare and the Tortoise

  4. Endurance.  He who lives the longest gets the most cookies.

  5. neither, i sleep eat and watch tv. basically i mimic your typical teenage pothead, only i haven't had weed in a few months(not by choice)

  6. life is a journey, taken slow, taking time to see what is around, above and beside you. One day at a time, and sometimes waiting for answers instead of jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

    endurance and more

  7. Used to be speed

    Now, endurance.

  8. Sometimes endurance, sometimes just survival, always happiness.

  9. endurance....just want to last to the end if I can.

  10. endurance...I wanna get as much outta life as I reason to speed it up...

  11. Interesting question. I think of two sayings.

    Slow and steady win the race.

    Speed kills.

    I'd have to say endurance is more my speed.

  12. depends on the day. right now im kind of aiming just for not dying of pain...

  13. Of those choices, endurance.

    I agree with the answer of "quality."


  14. Well Life in the fast lane - you can't stop and smell the flowers, watch the sunrise (a Sunrise is like God saying Good Morning) and the sunset (God saying Goodnight, say your prayers and sleep tight.

    So I go for endurance - Life shouldn't me a sprint - but a marathon - long and at a good pace.



  15. speed. i got one life to liv and imma ride da wheels off dis b!%(h!

    it mite kill me, but i aint worried bout dat. wheneva death comes, ill welcome it wit open arms

  16. Endurance....speed will kill you

  17. endurance

  18. Neither.

    I'm slow and I get tired quickly.


  19. none is QUALITY

  20. both and also..relaxo kathwaho time..balance is the key..word

  21. Endurance, I'm a hellofa long ride.

  22. Life ain't a sprint... it's a marathon. After all, for all those who say life is too short, I want to ask: What are you going to do that's longer?

  23. between those 2 choices, it's endurance.  

  24. i live it by both...i push myself to my limits and go even farther!

  25. I think it should be more like quality,endurance, and then speed.

    To persevere, you must endure. Hope this helped

  26. I always prefer endurance. Haste makes waste.

  27. Well I'll be the first one to admit that I have had "speed" issues in the past.  Things could just not happen fast enough for me at times so out I would go and force it to hurry up.  I still am in a hurry for certain things to happen, it can be hard to wait.  Life is short, I get that. I just don't want it to be over and I didn't do and try all the things that I want to. So I suppose my life is still about speed but in a slowing down kinda way.  As for endurance well I always did have stamina and persistence so there is really nothing for me to do in that area, already sorted. ;)

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