
Poll: Is your child's pediatrician male or female?

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As a mother are you more comfortable having a female pediatrician because you feel she can relate better? Or do you feel gender isn't an issue and doesn't come into play?




  1. He's a man.  :)

    I honestly don't think gender is an issue in my eyes.  He is my best friends daughter's doctor and I met him thru her.  He's a great doc, I'm very happy with him.

  2. Our pediatrician is female.  I am have always had female doctors.... so I really don't have a male to compare to.  But I must say... I have always felt very comfortable with most of  my female doctors.  I love our new pediatrician.  I wasn't a big fan of our first pediatrician........ then we had this other lady one day while our ped was out.  I loved her so much I switched to her.... and she is great with our son.  I feel very comfortable with the care she gives us.  And our baby LOVES her...... he gives her all giggles and smiles.  

  3. i dont feel that gender is such an issue. but i prefer female cuz someone i can relate too... i just kinda want to keep female to female and male to male.. until i get to know some pediatricians a lil bit better..  

  4. gender isnt an issue for me

    our doctor is a trained pediatrician and general practitioner. he has been my doctor since before my first pap and delivered my son. he is now our family doctor.

  5. He's a man

  6. He's a man.  Gender wasn't an issue for me.  He is a great doctor and I tend to agree with him 99% of the time.  I trust his advice...that was what was most important to me.

  7. Female - she's older, like a grandmother and really laid back.  She LOVES babies and kisses all over them when you bring them in to see her.

  8. firs was a female and she left to another practice near where she was raised- now he's a male- i lvoed the female- she gave me the best advice and was very supportive of attachment parenting and very smart about breastfeeding, didn't push solid early,a nd also told me it's rediculous to put a time frame on sleeping through teh night as she is a mother herself- the amn, he is also smart and i like him but not as much:) he's kinda goofy lol. my son is scared of him because he tall and hairy. i think it's all about attitide. i had the same ped until i no longer needed one and he was a man, now my nieces go to teh same ped

  9. i dont think it girls go to the same peds office i as a child grew up in..and the reason i chose to stay at this office wasnt just because of the drs there, it was their hours..they are open mon-fri 8-5 then they come back in every evening from 7:30-9:00, and they are open from 8-12 on sat and 2-4 on sun...and if the kids are sick you dont have to call ahead to make an app you just take them in..this was the main reason i chose this office..because they are soooo convenient because no kids are just sick mon-fri 8-5=) but back to your ? the office we go to only has 2 drs both whom are male..I love the one dr and he is just the best, and the other one i dont really care to see but my kids love idk..i dont think it matters if its male or female..i think if we had to switch offices  i would just look for one with good hours and a low number of drs..i just think if you go to an office with 10 different drs and you always have to see a different one its just not personable..

  10. girl...i dont really care about gender. my pediatrician is very caring and courteous and thats all that matters to me

  11. We prefer women..I think they're more nurturing and can relate better to children.

  12. I don't feel gender is an issue. I just choose a doctor for both myself and my child based on their ability to provide the good care my child and I deserve.

    My son's ped. is a female. My OBGYN is a male.

  13. Ours is a man and we like him. I don't think it makes a real difference as long as they know there "stuff" that's what I'm most concerned about. That and if my boys like him too. So, far we haven't had any problems he's close by, open on Saturdays for a 1/2 day, & he opens late one day a week but stays open late like until 8pm.

  14. Ours is a female...we decided to go with the pedi on duty at the hospital when he was born..if we didn't like him/her we'd switch, but we love her!!! I don't know that it'd matter if it was a male or female..they both would have gone through the training. In fact, his pedi doesn't have any kids herself so I don't think she's better able to relate at all.

  15. where my son goes there is a team of doctors. I believe they have 2 female and 3 males. I like all of them equally. I don't think male or female makes a difference.

  16. It may be an issue for my daughters some day, and if it is we will address it then.  All three children (two daughters and a son) see male pediatricians for the time being.

    When I was pregnant with my oldest, I found the most lovely married couple with a pediatric practice.  I thought it was a perfect set up, because there was a male and a female.  Sadly, they retired when she was only 6 months old.  

    Two young male doctors took over their practice, and I decided to "give them a try".  I am glad I did, because they are the best doctors in the world!

    They have added several new doctors to their practice now, including a female.  If my daughters decide they would be more comfortable with a female doctor, they can see one without changing practices.  

    I will let them make that decision for themselves.  I know that I chose a female OB/GYN because I was uncomfortable with the thought of a male one.

  17. The one my daughter sees is female, but she could see any different doctor in that group at any visit, there is a variety of males and females.

  18. Mine is Female. I dont care at all about gender as long as they are a good doctor. I choose mine b/c I knew a few other people that use her and said they really liked her.  

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