
Poll: Lilly allen, Kate nash, or Katy perry?

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Poll: Lilly allen, Kate nash, or Katy perry?




  1. kate nash is way better no matter wot anyone says she wins these two any day.

    katy perry is c**p and so is her song

    and lily allen is good but no where near kate nash

    kate nash<3

  2. Kate nash, or Katy perry..

  3. kate nash is far better than the other two but lilly is cool.

  4. Lilly Allen...beautiful voice.

    Sandy  :O)

  5. I like Kate Nash even though sometimes her pronunciations sound funny but i guess that's just her accent. haha =]

  6. Kate Nash. :)

  7. There is no 4th option?

  8. lilly allen may 2nd people rule!!!!!!11

  9. Lily Allen is awesome, she's such a badass. The other two are one hits wonders.

  10. lily allen

  11. katy perry

  12. Katy Perry. I like to kiss girls too ;-)

  13. Lilly Allen

  14. Katy Perry...sad to say but I do like that song *hangs head in shame*  

  15. Katy Perry

    She made a plaster mold of her beautiful chest for a cancer charity

  16. I think Lilly Allen. I have never heard of Kate Nash, and I hate Kate Perry because of her song 'I kissed a girl.' It sends a horrible message to girls and it's wrong

  17. Nash!!!!!!

  18. Katy Perry.

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