
Poll: Love or Hate? huhhhhhhhhhhhh?

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Poll: Love or Hate? huhhhhhhhhhhhh?




  1. Well I'm Kinda Being Kool But Check My Answer!

    People Say Everything's fair in Love and War (Hate)...

    But I Suggest You To Do War (Hate) Instead Of Love!

    Because in War (Hate) Either you live or you Die!

    But In Love Neither You Live Nor You Die!!!

  2. i love more things than i hate so i am going to say love  

  3. hate makes you feel better, love makes u more vulnerable

  4. you can't have one without the other.  

  5. LOVE!!!!!!!

  6. Love! its such a beautiful feeling!

  7. LOVE CONQUERS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Love, and I bet some moron is gonna say hate.

    Just Keepin it reall! :D

  9. As hate is a purely destructive emotion, and love only sometimes is, I'd go with love.

  10. Both are two strong things. Both takes time & energy. But what's worth more to love or to hate? You can love someone then it turns to hate, or you could've hated someone then fall in love with them. lol  

  11. love

    what kind of r****d would say hate?

  12. love. all you need is love. if everyone would realize that war would stop.

  13. both...depending on the situation

  14. either,they are so close to one another

  15. Love <3 :)

  16. ♪♫ "All you need is love..." ♫♪

  17. Love.

  18. Hate

  19. LOVE... I am just a lover at hate here, girl!  

  20. Neither, both time-wasters.

  21. Love!

  22. Generally love, but it can be difficult not to feel hate.

  23. i would rather hate because sometimes a world of complete love is too...............lovy dovy.....

    i dont like war or fights or anything but a world of love is over the top...

    just think of it your walking down a street and people are randomly coming up to you saying, " i love you!" or to be more realistic, " i love your hair" but them saying it all the time,

    i no you might think im weird for likeing love over hate but ya know...its my opinion... =/

  24. Love

  25. Love, life is so short and precious why waste it on a worthless emotion like hate?

  26. LOVE





  27. love

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  28. I love to love and i hate to hate.

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