
Poll Question for Public Speaking about Nuclear Power Plants?

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I would appreciate it if you would answer these questions so I have some public responses for my Public Speaking Class.


1. Are you for or against using Nuclear Power Plants?

Answers such as: Yes, No, Don't Know, Need Info, etc.

2. What comes to mind (what do you think of) when someone says nuclear power?

Such as explosions, etc.

3. Any general thoughts on Nuclear Power?

4. If you would so I can get a feel for the audience, please give me your state if in USA, or country if international.





  1. 1. For it

    2. Clean, Powerful Energy

    3. Wish would use it more and get off of oil!!!

    4. North Carolina

  2. 1.  Very much in favor of Nuclear Power

    2. Very safe, clean, energy as implemented in north America and western Europe.

    3.  Nuclear power is our best source of carbon free electricity.  In the United States we should actively pursue fast breeder technology and fuel recycling to extend this resource.  People are largely afraid of nuclear power because of a very successful public relations campaign waged by the fossil fuel industry.  Coal fired power stations generate more radioactive waste through the release of radon gas.  This is ignored by the main stream media  and the public because it is too complicated, and does not fit the anti nuclear agenda.  (In spite of the  worst possible failure at TMI ( core meltdown) not 1 person was killed or injured.  Containment housings work!)

    4.  Ohio

    (Given your question no. 2 this response will undoubtedly cause sever cognitive dissonance)

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