
Poll: Religious experiences?

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To all those who believe they have had experiences, how have you known you have had one and what did it feel like? to all those who haven't or simply don't believe, how do you think people have these and where does it come from?

I want a variety of answers, from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics, etc. I really want to know what you all think.




  1. My faith in Jesus is largely intellectual but I have had religious experiences. Once I was in a situation of extreme danger (a person holding me with a gun), and I knew there were angels there protecting me. I was so supernaturally calm that the police didn't believe me when I described the situation.

    For 13 months I was unemployed, my unemployment insurance ran out, and I was pretty poor. I had several definite confrontations with God during that time.

    Recently God spoke to me very clearly about a few things I was to do. It wasn't an audible voice, but it was not my thoughts either.

  2. Its a feeling of freedom!I know it because its in the Bible, plus its been the same for millions since the day of Pentecost.It comes from Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour.

  3. I feel that God is truly present often when I visit my church. It is a beautiful place which really makes my senses more aware. I feel peace and love when I am there almost every time. Sometimes I feel like time is frozen when I am there during mass.

  4. I believe lots of people have experiences everyday but put them off as nothing because they weren't what they thought an "experience" should be like,so to say. I know it sounds confusing, what i mean is you look for an experience to be wonderful and good even life saving for you and that great if that's how it happens, but sometimes something bad can happen and you think constantly ..well only if I had done this different or been here at this time or had said this to someone things could have been different. All the while the experience is hid in there not being seen cause you can't get past that you caused or didn't stop something bad from happening. How could that have an "experience" in it you ask? Well sometimes something really bad has to happen and sometimes god has to put you in the mix to make it go down the way it needs to go down. If you can realize this in life you may not get through it to bad.  

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