
Poll: Should someone really have to keep apologizing ?

by  |  earlier

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year after year, month after month for something they did 12 years ago when the two didn't even live in the same state as one another? Please help me send this message home!!!!!




  1. no they should not, you should just be able to say sorry once and then that is that, there is nothing we can do about the past, you should only be concerned about the future.

  2. no

  3. No... Even if it really was something that horrible 12 years is more than enough. That person should know that other guy is really sorry for whatever he/she did. Besides some things can't be fixed so life goes on

  4. No?

    Once is good enough.

  5. No they shouldn't..

  6. No. Whatever it is,,it's over and done with. Why live in the past!

  7. Not more than once and that should be enough.  If someone is still haunting you about something that happened 12 years ago they have some real issues.  Counseling for them would be a good start.  If I were you I would just forget what they think of you and if they say anything about it to you again just let them know calmly to get over it or let them know they should go talk to a psychiatrist about it.  Sounds like someone doesn't know how to forgive.  You should not be tortured over something that obviously should be forgotten by now.

  8. From the looks of your picture, you're pretty darn tired of apologizing, aren't you?

  9. no, they shouldn't.

  10. if it was something big then I understand where they're coming from...

    I'm assuming you're the person apologizing. I'm sure the person you wronged is just still very hurt by what happened. They just want to make sure you're still sorry because it gives them some comfort in the situation. So find a good way/something to say to make them know that you're truly sorry and I bet they'll stop wanting apologies. good luck.

  11. No, enough is enough.  Show them the replies from here.

  12. Imagine the apology was warmingly accepted and move on.

  13. "have to" ???

    no, it sounds more like a way of "hanging on" /

    "not letting go"



    (please excuse my rude-sounding suggestion)



    but perhaps you could say:

    "what part of 'GET OVER IT!' don't you understand?"

    sheesh, sorry for the *harsh* tone

    maybe "Please, try to get over it and move on with your life.

    It's water over the bridge, and the past can't be changed.

    Life goes on."

  14. i have to apologize to my self every time i look in the life as a seaman took its toll.......seamanab x

  15. Only if the apologizee has consistently turned down forgiveness from the apologizer.

    Otherwise, they're a bit neurotic possibly and are over doing it.

  16. No, that is so overkill,  tell him to suck it up and get over it, we are only human, we all make mistakes .

    Then we learn and move on.

    Don't take it any more

    all the best

  17. No.

  18. I wouldn't even go for 12 months of that c**p.

  19. No who you were back then is not necessarily who you are today. You should never have apologized to begin with unless you and this person knew each other during these past twelve years. You should only apologize once and the other person should learn to forgive and forget

  20. Once is enough, if they need it more than once that means they are not accepting it. Life is way too short to live with regretting such a small part of it.

  21. No but if someone hasnt forgiven you then it is still a problem Dont ignore it

  22. Once or twice heartfelt apologies should be enough, unless you owed financial restitution's which were never made.  But if nothing more is owed and you made proper amends, then enough is enough.  Do not let them run and ruin your life.  Do not feel bad that they will not let go of the past.

  23. No, one sincere apology when received clearly is enough. All else is guilt. And guilt can ruin your life.

  24. I feel you. 12 years is a long time. Its so hard to ask someone to change the way they are feeling when they've been hurt. But it also doesn't help the relationship progress if one party is harbouring ill feelings toward the other. At some point, the injured party MUST make a great attempt to let go and move on or else no one will be happy.

    I'm where you are, I've apologized and sacrificed dreams and friends in an attempt to get forgiveness. Sometimes it feel like no matter what I do, I'm always doing something wrong. I want to pay for my mistakes and move on. Just recently I've begun feeling like we're moving forward together and I'm really thankful.

    If someone holds on to pain and hurt and anger for too long, they are going to push away the very person who is seeking their forgiveness. They have to make as much effort to change their attitude as the person who wants to be forgiven.

    I hope I helped and if not I hope things work out.

  25. No once is sufficient

  26. No.  One sincere apology is enough.  Any more than that is groveling.

  27. No, 'cause if they say it once you have to believe them. But if they repeatedly do it, they aren't sorry. So don't forgive them.

  28. one apology is enough but some people don't get over the guilt.

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